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"My name is Kokichi Oma. I go to Hope's Peak Academy, and it's super boring there! The teachers need to learn how to entertain us better... but whatever! That's not why I'm here. Enough about my background for legal purpose. You want me to talk about everything that happened, right?"

"Start from the beginning."

"O-kaaay~! Just be prepared, it's a long story! I hope it doesn't put you to sleep!"

"Just start talking. The sooner we start the sooner we finish."

"Hmph, fine! So... I guess it started in my second year there. We were getting a new student and her name was (Y/N). At first I didn't pay much attention, who cares? But as fate had it... she talked to me. Like, totally her fault she's a mess now! Y'know, like, butterfly effect?"


"You're no fun! Whatever..."

"...Just go on."

"Fiiiine! So... after she talked to me for a while, I realized I was beginning to have feelings for her. And that's when I learned her real talent!"

How rude of me. I should retell my story from the start in detail and not just a summary. Otherwise, it makes no sense why I'm currently in prison! I have a life sentence but I do have a chance of perole because of... circumstances. I'm not sure myself what the legal mumbo-jumbo is but whatever!

I'll be detailed about (Y/N). That's easy. She's a perfect angel who can do nothing wrong, a beautiful piece of art that no painter could do justice even if they spent their lifetime on her... she is almost untouchable. She's the perfect human being, but she belongs to me. My (Y/N) has no choice... I have to have her.

And, I almost did! I was so close to owning my property until the police had to come along, ruin everything, and even pleading guilty and confessing everything didn't seem to do jack shit! Talk about awful...

But still, I must have her. Even if it takes me 30 or 70 years I will find her again. I will make sure she belongs to me, no matter what it takes or how long it takes.

I'm sure you're wondering why I'm broken into millions of pieces when I used to have my mask perfectly intact; I'm sure you're wondering why I'm crying when I used to grin and pretend I was sickly amused. It's because (Y/N) broke me forever, and I'll never be the same person.

I'll tell you how I almost became a king.

Word count: 428

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