Chapter 4

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Warning: Mega depressing stuff. There's your warning, angry commenters.

"Aikoooo~!" I called out cheerfully, expecting a response just as cheerful. Instead, there was silence. I giggled as I methodically searched the hiding places in her house.

"Aiko, are you trying to pull a prank on meee?" I childishly asked, but I couldn't find her hiding anywhere in the living room or kitchen, the two most likely places to hide for a prank.

"Hm. Strange..." my expression straightened out and I lost the grin, now determined to find where Aiko was hiding. I saw dim lighting from the bathroom door that was slightly ajar so I opened it, the sight making me freeze.

Aiko was in a pool of her own blood in the bathtub, with peppermint scented candles to hide the strong iron odor of her own blood. The lights were off so her facial expression was in shadows but I could see one twisted in pain, yet she didn't seem to take notice as she dug further and further into her own wrist...

"Aiko! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, taking the knife from her weak hands. I hurriedly looked around and clawed at my pockets before getting my phone and dialing 911 in a panic, not caring that her blood stained my uniform red. I just had to get her help, I had to save her!

I woke up with a gasp, drenched in sweat. I was hyperventilating, and I placed my hand on my chest to calm my rapidly beating heart.

"It's okay, Kokichi..." I whispered to myself, looking down at my attire. The red stains weren't there anymore. I'd made a new uniform after that incident. The old one was burned in a fire so I could forget that awful event, but it seemed to only burn it into my memory where I'd never forget that terrible day. The doctor had told me if I hadn't come, Aiko would've successfully committed suicide.

"Why... am I having a dream about that though...? It happened so long ago..." I thought aloud.

I went to my closet to find my mask. The piece I'd tried to sloppily and temporarily keep there had disappeared into the depths of my messy closet forever, and I knew there was no recovering it from that. I'd need a new mask. I put it on because it was the best I had at that moment, but because of the missing piece all I could see was the edge of my frown instead of the smirking clown face that usually greeted me.

"Is my world caving in on me...? Has the past finally come to rot me away?" I wondered aloud as I took off my mask, setting it on my dresser. Then, something else sitting on it caught my attention. It seemed to shine in the moonlight as if it was calling me, and I understood Aiko completely in this moment. I understood the charm of the blade.


"Have you seen Kokichi today?" I asked Alex.

„Nein," Alex shook his head.

"Great. Either he's planning a prank or skipping again," I sighed, then glanced over to Shuichi. He was already halfway through the assignment while I was barely on number four. Then, I got an idea.

"H-hey Shuichi? Do you think you could help me? I don't get trig at aaaaaalll..." I awkwardly laughed.

Shuichi looked up from his paper, "Um, sure... what do you need help on?"

Alex shot me a glare before shrugging and he faced (Y/N), „Hey (Y/N), ich brauche Hilfe bei der Nummer 6!"

"Yeahhh, nice try," (Y/N) giggled.

„Ich brauche sie wirklich!" Alex showed her his paper and she literally facepalmed.

"Okay, first of all... how do you not remember to divide the logs when it says subtract?" (Y/N) hissed.

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