Chapter 1

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"Uuuuugh, school is so boring!" I grumbled. It was just the same painful classes over and over, couldn't we at least do what other countries did and have different classes depending on the day of the week? It was plain torture to have the same seven classes day in and day out. The only upside was Hope's Peak could give you a diploma with a GPA of literally 0 because so long as your talent improved, you met graduation requirements.

Weird, but at least that meant I didn't have to worry about my D's and C's. Don't blame me, I'm not very good at this boring school thing!

Ding dong, bing bong!

Shoot, that was the bell to get to class. I began to make my way to my classroom with a huff, wanting to be anywhere else but math. And why did it have to be first thing in the morning?! I swear, school is trying to make me hate it even more!

I slammed my books on my desk with a grumble and skimmed through the board to see what we were doing today. Just review about yesterday... I'd be better off on my phone because at least I won't deep fry my brain into a crisp that way- unless you ask the boomers.

I waited for the tardy bell to ring and once it did my teacher walked in with a shy, insecure-looking girl behind her. She had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes, not like I really cared though.

"Okay, we have a new student. Don't bite too hard, try not to scare 'er too bad, and have fun! Her name's (Y/N). And you can sit right over..." the teacher looked around the room before pointing to the empty desk beside me, "There! Next to Kokichi, aka the purple octopus."

"Hey! True, but still rude!" I pouted, twirling a strand of my obnoxious hair. The class laughed while I continued to pout childishly and (Y/N) took her seat. I didn't pay much attention to her.

"Psst, hey, Kokichi!" somebody whispered to my right. I looked and saw Shaun, who was grinning, "I think Shuichi has a crush on you~"

I looked where he was pointing and saw Shuichi, who was usually rather disciplined during class and had A's and B's, doodling me poorly in the margin of his notes and adding little hearts. I couldn't help but burst out laughing, causing the class to look at me in confusion.

"What the hell's so funny?" the teacher asked in a joking tone.

"Shumai drew heartssss!!" I exposed him to the entire class, making him blush darkly.

"N-no I didn't!" Shuichi defended, though he was a terrible liar and the whole class knew it.

"Awwwe~" the class mocked when somebody held it up. I laughed but then noticed that (Y/N) was faking amusement. Strange... maybe she doesn't like pranks? Then I guess I better steer clear of her if she doesn't! How annoying!

The teacher rang a bell loudly multiple times until our ears hurt, "Okay, now that we've established Shuichi's gay we have to actually learn stuff today."

"But I want a kiss from my Shumai fiiiiiirst!" I complained.

"Do it after class!" the teacher laughed a bit, and I looked over to Shuichi and winked at him which just made him flustered. I wasn't sure if I really had feelings for the Ultimate Detective but I didn't really care, playing with him {maybe even in a kinky way} would be entertaining. Though I don't think I'd date him, just a one night stand or friends with benefits situation!

"Anyways... today we're reviewing binomial multiplication," the teacher steered class back on topic, which instantly made it dull and boring again.

I only half paid attention, finding my phone to be much more amusing than some stupid crap about FOIL or whatever.

"Hey, um... Kokichi, was it?" (Y/N) whispered to me.

"What do you want?" I raised a brow, making sure to whisper back.

Wie ein König {Yandere!Kokichi x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now