Chapter 7

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Warning: Gore and it's really fucked up

"Eh?! Didn't you two JUST start dating?! How could he do that?!" Alex exclaimed.

"Obviously that means Shuichi's angryyyy~" I giggled.

Shaun didn't respond as he just kept eating, now at so many plates and dishes I lost count. He'd had chicken strips, jojos, a burger, fries, pizza, chili, potato chips... so much crap food and he hadn't so much as left his hospital bed. He literally could call it in via phone- that wasn't fair!!

"I should talk some sense into that asshole...!!" Alex growled, reaching for his katana slowly. Shaun didn't even look up from his food.

"Woah, chill-"

"YOU THINK I CAN BE CHILL?! SHUICHI HURT MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND AND YOU EXPECT ME TO BE CHILL ABOUT IT?!" Alex screamed in my face, and I trembled at the unseen rage. I whimpered as I didn't know what to do as I just kept staring at his unwelcoming expression, the fear and sorrow boiling inside me until they went over and I felt tears begin to form in my eyes. I quickly left the room after that, barely hearing one last thing from Shaun.

"Why do we have to keep the secret?"


"Shuichi! Shuichi! It's urgent!" I cried, grabbing his arm to effectively startle him. I began to half drag him away without allowing any time for an explanation.

"Alex?! What's wrong?!" Shuichi demanded, barely keeping up with my fast pace.

"I-it's (Y/N)!!" I stammered, still continuing to go at my fast pace as I left the school, "S-something's not right at her house!"

"What happened?!" Shuichi seemed fully alert and scared now.

"I d-don't know!!!" I picked up the pace to hopefully tire Shuichi out too much to talk, and I was rewarded with him shutting up because he was too out of breath. I kept leading the way to the house, happy that my trap was going smoothly.

I opened the door to my house and half shoved Shuichi inside, and as soon as I closed the door I put a rag of chloroform over his nose and mouth. Since he'd been panting he quickly inhaled a large dosage and fell asleep, but just to be sure he wasn't faking I held it there for a solid two minutes. I chuckled as his body stayed limp and picked up the now sleeping boy, carrying him to my basement. I wouldn't just kill him fast and painlessly, I'd do it slowly. I'd torture him.

"You do not fuck with Alex~"


My breathing stopped for a second when I saw that Alex and Shuichi were both gone. Did he find proof that fast to incriminate Alex? Were they having some argument? Was Alex blackmailing Shuichi? I didn't know, but I hoped Shuichi would win in the end.

"H-hey, (Y/N)!" I nervously got the girl's attention. She turned to me slowly.

"Um... look... I-I'm really sorry for yelling at you the other day. I was stressed out, and..." I trailed off, not knowing the words to finish my apology.

(Y/N) sighed, "It's fine. I get it."

"Really?!" though I wasn't convinced at all by that I forced my eyes to sparkle and to keep up my childish front, even if it'd been broken so many times.

"...If you stop pretending to be happy when you're not, or else that shows you didn't learn anything," (Y/N) half glared at me. Immediately my grin fell and the sparkles faded.

"Th-that's my coping mechanism!! You can't make me get rid of instinct!" I whined.

"Then I guess you're not sorry enough," (Y/N) shrugged, turning away.

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