Chapter 5

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Does Shaun hate me...? That was on my mind all day today. Alex's words to me continued to echo in my mind and I wondered how things would've turned out if I'd taken him seriously. Maybe he'd be here still...

It's been a week and Shaun still wasn't allowed to have any visitors unless it was from family. I asked his parents about his condition and they say he has serious head trauma that they're still trying to figure out everything that got damaged.

Kokichi has been acting close with (Y/N) lately, but that didn't really seem important to me at this moment in time. Alex had been gone from school, and I heard he'd been trying to visit Shaun but wasn't allowed.


"Okay Shaun... we need to see if you have any amnesia about commonplace things in your life. Let's start with your friends," the doctor pulled up a clipboard, "Does the name Shuichi Saihara sound familiar?"

"...Sort of..." I mumbled, "Um... he's the... Ultimate Detective, right...? With the dark blue hair...?"

The doctor looked sorrowful, "Do you remember your relationship with him at all?"

"I ah... I think we were friends?"

Alex suddenly popped out from practically thin air as he came out from behind the large machines, "You had a crush on him and wanted to ask him out and everything! But... I doubt you'd like that scumbag now anyways. He let you try to kill yourself!"

"Alex, you know he did not do that. Now get out of here," the doctor pointed to the door.


I looked down at my tarnished mask. I don't even know how it was so broken but the smile was faded and it was chipping off even worse, hardly even looking like a mask anymore. I couldn't even put it on anymore because it was so broken.

I looked down at my healing wrist. Nobody knew about what I'd tried to do but that was for the better. I heard Shaun had to have all sorts of psychiatric evaluations because he'd tried to kill himself and I didn't wanna go through that, it sounded like a pain.

"I'm sorry Aiko..." I whispered. She didn't deserve for her leader to try to kill himself the same way she had.

And (Y/N) didn't deserve to have another classmate try to kill himself.

I sighed as I trudged along to school, though I wasn't even sure why I was going. Shaun's attempt added with everything else already piling on me felt like too much to handle and there was no way I could listen to hours of boring lectures like nothing happened. I couldn't pretend nothing happened anymore, and that thought scared me.

But then... another thought hit me. Since I live alone I could just skip school and I wouldn't be missed. I could rot alone in my house and nobody would notice or care. Nobody would come along, it'd be like when Shaun apparently slipped out of class unnoticed before he caught me at the ledge.


"Um... h-hey Shaun," I awkwardly greeted, playing with my hat that was between my hands. I'd been wearing it again lately but something told me to take it off when I visited Shaun. Maybe it was to act like I was still brave.

Shaun looked up at me almost like he didn't recognize me, but he smiled, "Shuichi... don't blame yourself for me trying to kill myself. I'm a bipolar bitch... I do stupid shit like that..."

"H-how did you know...?" I asked in a bit of astonishment.

"I'm the Ultimate Predictor... hospitalized or not," Shaun chuckled and reached to grab my hat, taking it from me gently.


"Stop wearing this at school. Stop hiding..." Shaun put the hat in his lap and played with it a little, "Plus, I want it more than you~"

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