Chapter 9

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"(Y/N)!! Please listen!" I pounded on the door desparately, but there was no answer. I pressed my ear to the door to try hearing anything but all I heard was gasping pants from her running and fear. Then, I heard a chuckle. I turned around to see... Alex?

"Alex?! B-but I-!" I never finished.

"Maybe I came back from the dead," Alex grinned and pulled out his katana which was still stained in blood, the only remainder of his bloodied corpse. That was when I noticed he wasn't covered in blood anymore...?

"Now... I'm not here to kill you, Kokichi. That'd be too predictable and hold too little despair... No, I'm here for (Y/N)! So if you stepped aside I'd be very willing to forget about your little slip-up in attacking me!" Alex smiled innocently, though his katana was still pointed at me.

"I'm not going to let you hurt (Y/N)!" I shouted. I didn't have any weapons, I was already against her door... there was no way I could win, right? I only won the first time because of sheer luck... I couldn't fight a skilled swordsman like this!

Alex's smile faded, "Then it looks like I'll have to get through you first."

He swiftly swung the katana at me but I ducked so the blade got stuck in the door instead. I flinched at the knowledge my neck had just been there but I refused to allow myself long to think about it, instead tackling Alex so he'd let go of his katana and it'd stay stuck in the door.

I punched him in the jaw but he just grinned and kneed upwards, hitting me right in the crotch. I yelped in excruciating pain, being so distracted with the pained area that I didn't see him point the gun at me until it was too late. I froze as I stared down the barrel of the gun.

"Keep your eye on the ball is how the saying goes, right? Well in this case it's me... but anyways! Byeee~" Alex giggled.

I moved his arm as far away from me as possible, and he ended up firing the shot into the sky. I took the gun while he was distracted and without hesitation fired, getting a headshot. Blood squirted out and got all over me, and Alex's real corpse fell to the ground, totally lifeless. Everything fell silent and I realized that I'd actually killed my classmate... I just killed Alex.

It was a faint sound at first but it got louder, and at first I didn't even recognize what it was. Then I realized it was a police siren heading in my direction. I looked down at myself and saw blood clearly showering my white uniform, the gun in my hands also covered in blood, and finally I looked at Alex's corpse.

This... did not look good. I turned around to face (Y/N)'s house only to see a blind that was displaced for peeking get quickly put back in place and the blinds looked tightly shut. I wondered if I could get off a little easier since it was self defense... (Y/N) would attest for me, right? She'd help me... right?

The police arrived, and they got out of their cars and pointed guns at me.

"Drop the gun and put your hands in the air!" one of the officers shouted at me. I blinked in fear at all of the officers who were pointing their guns at me, practically surrounding me... my hands trembled as I dropped the gun as I was asked and put my hands up, scared my head would be blown off if I didn't.

"Now put your hands behind your head and walk towards us slowly!"

My fingers trembled but I did as asked, my knees shaking as I slowly took the first step. My legs almost didn't want to cooperate as I took the second, then the third... but I slowly made progress until I was just a few feet from the officers.

"Stop. Kneel on the ground."

I stopped, willing myself to crack a BDSM joke to maybe make myself feel a little more in control but I was so scared I couldn't find my voice, and I could barely stop myself from crying out of fear as I knelt on the ground. I heard metal and felt my wrists being grabbed from behind, and next thing I knew I was being pulled up like a ragdoll by my wrists. I stood up shakily and then an officer spoke.

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