Chapter 6

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Alex walked up to us, „Was ist passiert? Ich habe etwas über eine Mohrddrohung gehört!"

"English, please!!!" I coldly spat.

„Anscheinend hat jemand eine Drohung dass er mich umbringen will hinterlassen? Es klingt bescheuert," (Y/N) sighed.

„Da du die Ultimative Prinzessin bist, würde ich kein Risiko eingehen," Alex seemed to be warning or instructing, I couldn't tell.

"Can somebody please speak English?!" I exclaimed.

"I agree with Kokichi... it's really difficult to talk if I can't understand you two," Shuichi added quietly.

Alex then giggled, "Hey Shuichi! I heard you're dating Shaun!"

Shuichi blushed, "Y-yeah, I am..."

"Awwwe, how cute~!" Alex teased, then looked over to (Y/N), "I wouldn't mind dating you, Ms. Princess~"

I felt jealousy immediately take over my senses but instead I put on a childish front, "The princess wouldn't want a cowardly knight like you! She'd totally pick me!"

"What just happ-" (Y/N) never finished her question as Alex took out a real katana!!

"Cowardly? Hm, then why do you look so shocked?" Alex smirked, pointing the katana at me.

"D-dude, chill!! It's just a g-game!!" I squeaked, backing up in fear.

"Yeah, I know! Or else your head would already be gone~" Alex hummed happily as he put his katana away again.

"Can we not have weapons out ever again...?" (Y/N) whined.

"You know why I can't do that!" Alex huffed.

The bell for class rang at that moment, and we all grumbled.

"We'll continue this conversation later," (Y/N) glared at Alex who simply shrugged and took his seat. Shuichi and I were silent as we took our own seats and let the lesson begin.

However, I couldn't bring myself to focus. The person who left the threat... the way it was written makes me think it's not just a prank. But who would do that, and why? Why would somebody target poor (Y/N)? And what if they were in this very room...?

That thought left a bad sensation in me that I couldn't shake off. All through the rest of my classes they just seemed to be a blur because I was so worried for (Y/N). I'd have to assign a DICE member to watch over her like a bodyguard... I could say it was a stalking prank-!

"Kokichi? Are you okay?" (Y/N) asked.

I jumped as I was broken from my thoughts and looked up at (Y/N) to see she had her lunch with her while I'd just been playing with the packaging of my own food.

"I'm fine!" I lied, opening my home-packed lunch to stop her from worrying so much.

"You don't seem so fine," (Y/N) sighed and sat next to me, "What's wrong?"

I wanted to confide in her about everything that's been going on but instead I forced myself to smile like I was so used to, "Nothing! Why?" Immediately I cringed at how bad that lie was.

"Kokichi, you can stop lying... please just tell me what's going on," (Y/N) pleaded.

I was silent for a few seconds before groaning, "I'm just worrying about the threat."

"And that's all?" (Y/N) raised a brow.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't that be all?! I don't have anything else to worry about!!" I lied terribly once again, but now that I was starting to get angry I didn't care anymore.

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