Chapter 10

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I sighed, "At least this jail cell's more friendly than the ones on TV..."

The windows were made of iron bars but the similarities pretty much stopped there. The door was a sturdy metal door with a heavy lock and a small window, probably for guards to check on prisoners without needing to enter the room. The floor was made of tile and the walls and ceiling looked like any normal household's. There was a bed supported by a wooden frame in the corner, and on it was a single pillow and a blanket. There was a wooden end table with an alarm clock next to it and an empty shelf on the other side of the room, but otherwise there was nothing in it.

There was a bathroom that had a flimsy wooden door and no lock, but it at least had no windows. The bathroom had a toilet, sink, and shower. Well, at least that meant I wouldn't have to worry about dropping the soap...

I walked back into the main room of my cell, sitting on the bed. The mattress was sort of uncomfortable, but I figured I'd get used to it. I put my hand on the pillow and sighed once I realized it was pretty much a piece of shit, but I guess it was better than no pillow.

"Huh?" I raised a brow as I felt something uneven from underneath the mattress. It felt like a small bump, and I lifted up the mattress curiously.

I found a pen and a sheet of paper with a small note scribbled down. I took out both the pen and paper and read the note with a little curiosity.

Dear future almost inmate,
I got out of jail and this is my little legacy.
By the way, I jacked off all over this note so now you just got SEEDED!!
Have fun rotting~

"Ewww!" I crumpled up the paper and threw the note and the pen in a trash can I didn't notice until now, and then I went to the sink and washed my hands several times until they felt clean.

"Geez... what a warm 'welcome' that was..." I grumbled, "couldn't have at least left your name so I could make a joke out of it?"


"This is case 11037 relevant to Kokichi Oma and the murder of Alex Nevermind. Here I have the suspected culprit himself here to give a statement. Would you give some background info for us first?"

"My name is Kokichi Oma. I go to Hope's Peak Academy, and it's super boring there! The teachers need to learn how to entertain us better... but whatever! That's not why I'm here. Enough about my background for legal purpose. You want me to talk about everything that happened, right?"

"Start from the beginning."

"O-kaaay~! Just be prepared, it's a long story! I hope it doesn't put you to sleep!"

"Just start talking. The sooner we start the sooner we finish."

"Hmph, fine! So... I guess it started in my second year there. We were getting a new student and her name was (Y/N). At first I didn't pay much attention, who cares? But as fate had it... she talked to me. Like, totally her fault she's a mess now! Y'know, like, butterfly effect?"


"You're no fun! Whatever..."

"...Just go on."

"Fiiiine! So... after she talked to me for a while, I realized I was beginning to have feelings for her. And that's when I learned her real talent! She was really the Ultimate Princess! Well, not THE... but AN Ultimate Princess. I didn't know either of Alex's two talents as the Ultimate Chaotic or Ultimate Prince though... I didn't even know that (Y/N) and Alex were related! Alex even made jokes about dating (Y/N) which is grossss!! Incest is not wincest!"

"Get back on topic."

"Okay okay, geez! Well anyways, after a while there was a death threat left on the door to my math class that ALL me, Alex, (Y/N), Shaun, AND Shuichi are in! You'll know why those last two are important later... anyways, it was left anonymous but said that (Y/N) would be killed during the school dance, which was a bit away but not very far! Since Shuichi's the Ultimate Detective I rushed to him and he tried to figure out who left the note, and he did... by an unexpected source."

"Shaun, who was in the hospital after tryna kill himself by jumping off the roof and wasn't allowed to leave the hospital, somehow knew it was Alex who left the death threat! The next day Shuichi went missing and so did Shaun the day after that... and for a while nobody heard anything about them until the day of the dance, when I ran into Alex watching something on a tablet screen!"

"He showed me what was on the screen, and... th-that's a sight I'll never forget... Shuichi and Shaun were trying to escape a tunnel, and the roof was coming down l-like it was some sort of sick horror movie! I couldn't tear my eyes away and Alex just laughed as they failed to escape the tunnel and were instead crushed to death..."

"I was so mad I attacked Alex, and we broke into a fight... I grabbed his katana from his sheath and stabbed him with it when (Y/N) walked in and saw all the blood everywhere, and she ran... I yelled for her to come back but she didn't listen to me...!! I had to explain what Alex had done but everything I shouted at her was lost! She didn't even acknowledge anything I said...!"

"She locked herself in her house and I knocked on her door over and over but she didn't respond to me... when Alex confronted me... I was so shocked because I thought I killed him but he didn't explain how I didn't kill him... and instead told me to get out of the way so he could kill (Y/N)! I told him I wouldn't do that, and we started fighting again..."

"He swung his katana at me but I just barely dodged and it got embedded in the door, and before he could get it back I tackled him... I punched him and he kicked me in the nuts, which isn't fair!!! Then he pointed a gun at me and I pushed his arms away just barely in time to avoid getting shot in the face... I took the gun and before he could try to take it back I shot as fast as I could... a-and it was a headshot..."

"It was quiet for a while 'till I heard a siren, and I didn't know what to do so I froze... and you guys arrived and you know the rest from there..."

"...We have found SOME evidence that corroborates your story. We might reopen the investigation since you seem to be so eager for us to do that. Now let's get you back in your cell."


"S-self defense...?" (Y/N) blinked at the new ruling of the court. She looked brokenhearted at the revelation that her own brother was going to murder her and that he'd also tried to kill me.

"Kokichi Oma, you are free to go," the judge declared.

"I-I am?!" I gasped in delight. That was WAY better than a life sentence! The judge chuckled a little and nodded, a small smile on his face. I was so happy I stood up and cheered, doing a fist pump in the air.

"Settle down, Kokichi!" the judge warned, and I awkwardly sat down as a small snicker resonated from the witnesses of the trial.


I walked into my math classroom, though it didn't feel the same anymore. Two of my friends were dead and I had to kill someone... it was crazy to think we all used to talk and laugh together so freely in this classroom. That felt like an eternity ago but I longed for it so desparately, wishing that the reality I was currently in didn't exist. Even if I technically had a good ending because I was free from jail, it wasn't the happy ending. It wasn't a happily ever after.

"Um, hey (Y/N)..." I awkwardly greeted.

"Hey..." (Y/N) softly greeted, looking up at me. Grief was so obviously all over her face, and I grimaced.

"...Do you hate me...?" I asked nervously.

"...I don't know... I'm really mad at you for killing Alex but after they confirmed what you said he did was t-true..." (Y/N) trailed off.

I sighed, "I'm really sorry your brother wasn't who you thought he was..."

With that I returned to my seat, hoping that (Y/N) would eventually get over the grief and find it in her heart to forgive me. I hoped that I could kindle some hope back into her, and make her world brighter. I hated to see my wonderful angel like this.

And plus... I had to have her... she was mine...

Word count: 1519

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