Chapter 2

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I grinned as I looked in the mirror, my DICE mask concealing my face. With one swipe, I took it off to reveal my smirk and chuckled to myself.

"Time for school..." I suddenly changed to a more sour mood and grumbled, getting myself ready.

Today would be boring just like any other day. I let out a sigh as the empty house responded with its permanent silence. My house was lonely, and sometimes I wondered what it'd be like to have somebody else around. I didn't dwell too long on that thought and instead channeled my energy into my way to school.

Once I arrived, I skipped around the halls aimlessly. I didn't care what other students thought of me, they could trip me or wanna kill me all they wanted. Then, a crowd of students caught my attention for a second before I realized it was just a before school club meeting. From the looks of it, it was the art club. What were they planning?

"Hmm..." I thought aloud before shrugging it off, going somewhere more interesting. I had more important things to worry about than some club activity.

Alex walked by and simply called, „Hallo, Kokichi!" as I walked by but I paid no mind to the male. Then, I noticed (Y/N) talking with Sonia. That was an odd pair, but alright. I decided to eavesdrop.

" you're going back after the year?" (Y/N) asked.

"Yes, my apologies for leaving you here alone. But you know how the kingdom gets with very little of the royal family in it..." Sonia sighed.

"No, that's okay! There's a reason phones exist," (Y/N) chuckled.

"Indeed. We'll call every night, okay?" Sonia smiled. (Y/N) and Sonia exchanged agreements and then parted ways.

What did that conversation mean? Why were they talking like they were old friends? Lots of questions were put in my head, and I found myself wanting the answers. I wanted to know the details, I wanted to know-

Ding dong, bing bong!

There was the bell to interrupt my thoughts. I made my way to my math class and took my seat, immediately taking notice of Alex and Shaun in a heated argument.

„Du liebst ihn nicht!" Alex growled.

„Doch! Lass mich mit ihm zusammen sein!! Es ist ja nicht so als wärst du schwul, also warum interessiert es dich?!" Shaun seemed to be threatening or challenging Alex but I wasn't sure.

„Weil ich will dass ihm etwas zustößt. Er ist wie ein Bruder für mich," Alex huffed.

"Okay you two, enough arguing!" I interjected, "Arguing is MY job and mine only? Understand~?"

"...He started it," Shaun grumbled but took his seat, clearly not calm.

„Hast nicht..." Alex muttered under his breath, almost in a growl.

"Who's this 'he' you guys were talking about?" (Y/N) casually asked.

"You understood them?! I thought yesterday you didn't understand!" I gasped.

(Y/N) simply giggled and waved me off, "Shauuuun? Who's the he?"

"Nobody!" Shaun blushed and held up his book, "But you're about to become a mushed up insect if you don't leave me alone!"

Alex and (Y/N) both started laughing while I was left in complete confusion as to what I was watching unfold, „Sag es uns!" Alex demanded.

"Yeah!" (Y/N) nodded.

"...Mr. Hat," Shaun eventually sighed, "There! Happy?"

„Schmutzig-" Alex giggled, and (Y/N) joined.

"Would one of you tell me what's going on?" I demanded.

"No!!!" they all shouted in unison.

"Ehh?! You're all no fair!" I groaned, slumping into my seat in defeat as they all took their own seats. The teacher walked in with a cup of coffee.

"Sorry I'm late but knowing you guys you don't really care!" the teacher chuckled. The lesson was boring and this time had minimal interruptions unlike the previous day. After a few more classes it was lunchtime, and like before (Y/N) took a seat next to me.

"So how come you were all German or whatever?" I asked.

"That's classified~" (Y/N) giggled.

"Ehh?! You mean you don't trust me or something?!" I pouted.

"Nope!" (Y/N) played along with a cruel smile.

"That hurts, y'know!" I put a hand where my heart was, not needing to fake an expression of hurt.

"Aww, is poor Kokichi huuuurt? A kiss will make it better!" (Y/N) joked, and I laughed as she jokingly blew a kiss at me. I pretended to wipe it off in disgust and then throw it in the trash can.

"I think I need to wash my hands!" I groaned.

"Oh come on, you need a shower!" (Y/N) roasted, making her laugh while I faked offense.

"You're so meaaaaan!" I childishly pounded my fists on the table.

"I only learn from the worst," (Y/N) shrugged and pointed at me.

"Wha?! I'm not the worst! I'm the worst, most awful, most tragic event in human history!"

The people around me fell silent at the reference to that event in history. I looked around, "Whaaat? It's been almost two years!"

It took a good five minutes before everyone had gone back to what they were doing, but (Y/N) still looked a bit horrified.

"Kokichi... don't reference that, please..." (Y/N)'s face was just regaining color after having been pale.

"Umm, I dunno why but if it bothers you that much, fiiine!" I sighed. I figured I might as well respect her wishes, for all I knew she had something horrible happen to her family when the event was taking place.

"Thank you..." (Y/N) seemed much calmer now, and a few minutes later lunch had concluded. Time had seemed to whir by- had the entire lunch really already passed?

It had, and the rest of my classes were boring. It felt like years of constant torture until I was finally released from prison, but it was really just a few hours. I made my way home and this time the silence welcomed me.

I allowed it to soothe the pains of faking today, and walked to my room where my mask was. I put it on my face with a smile. It obscured my vision like any normal mask did, though I'd done my very best to minimize that. The smiling clown face was as bright as ever, and there were no cracks in it. My mask was perfect, and I loved the plastic necessity.

Strolling to my closet, I found my cape and put it on over my checkered scarf and my clothes. I then put on my hat and smirked at my appearance. I looked childishly badass- like I could prank somebody.

"Hmm... I think I know who the next target can be..."

Word count: 1124

Finally got a translator~

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