Chapter 3

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I giggled as I triumphantly sat on top of the rock, feeling like a true leader from up top. I could see the faces of each member to my group, and they all held their masks in their hands. I had my mask on, though I was hiding behind it more than anything.

"Good afternoon, everyone~! Listen here... y'know that new student (Y/N)?" I prompted.

A few nodded; a few shook their heads. I chuckled, "Well, we're gonna pull a prank on her tomorrow! Listen up..."


I couldn't contain my excitement as I strode into the school, and those who were wary of me knew I was up to something. What it was, they couldn't tell. It didn't matter to me as long as my prank went to plan.

I quickly threw on my DICE mask to mark it as official group work as I got into position, holding a two liter of Panta. I waited until the perfect moment, and finally it came! I quickly tipped the whole thing over, and doused (Y/N) in the sticky soda.

Another member took feathers and blew them in a fan so they sort of stuck to (Y/N) as she looked at herself in horror. Kids had started to laugh, though some looked on in sympathy. What I wasn't expecting was the next event.

"Kokichi! That is a very rotten thing to do!" Sonia declared. Usually she didn't say much about my pranks.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I challenged, though beneath my mask I was not confident.

Sonia glared at me before sighing, "It is not ladylike to start fights, or I would have already initiated one. However... if you prank (Y/N) again..."

Her gaze turned to fire once more before she bowed and walked away, leaving me in astonishment. Why did she care so much if I pranked (Y/N) or not? She was just another student in the school... well, they were talking like old friends before... were they like siblings to one another, maybe?

Clearing those thoughts, I looked down to see (Y/N) had fled, probably to the bathroom or locker rooms to clean up. Not like it really mattered to me anyways. Sighing, I slipped off my mask with a solemn look. I hadn't ever felt guilty about a prank.

My group was busy celebrating below me about the success, and I tried to force a grin on my face like so many times before, but I felt myself unable to. The guilt dug its way into the deepest corners of my heart and gripped tightly like evil roots that couldn't be warded off. It hurt me, physically and mentally.

I didn't notice my mask slipping out of my fingers slowly, slowly... until it was gone, and it fell from my spot on the second floor to the first. I only watched in half interest as the impact caused it to crack; it wasn't like I really cared anymore. But just as quickly as I hadn't been able to smile, suddenly I burst with energy and began to laugh.

"That was hilarioussss~!" I roared with laughter. I skipped down the stairs despite that being dangerous and retrieved my cracked mask, putting it back on. The crack ran from the side of the mask and reached down so that a piece could just chip off if I wasn't careful. I'd have to repair it when I got home.

And then the bell rang to signal it was time for class. I giggled as I joyously made my way there, wondering how (Y/N) would present herself or if she would at all after my cruel prank. However, I was definitely not ready for her to walk in wearing what looked like her official Hope's Peak outfit.

It was a blue dress with the sleeves slightly frilled up, and there were very expensive sapphires that were obiously real that decorated the chest area of the dress. The bottom of the dress was also kind of frilly, though just enough for an enchanting look. The look was completed with a necklace of sapphires around her neck. She looked like a stunning princess now.

"Woahhh! Tryna impress me or something?" I jokingly giggled, "Too bad! I don't like it when girls play dress-up!"

„Du bist solch ein idiot!" Alex exclaimed.

"Agreed," (Y/N) giggled.

"Heyyy!! What did he say?! Did he call me an idiot?!" I huffed.

„(Y/N) ist eine Prinzessin, du idiot!" Alex grumbled.

(Y/N) gave Alex a startled look, to which he only laughed, „Komm runter. Er versteht kein Deutsch."

"I don't know what you're talking about but it's probably boooorrrriiiing!" I complained.

Alex suddenly grinned wide and leaned close to me, whispering, "Sonia and (Y/N) are actual siblings."

My eyes widened as he quickly pulled away, and I looked at him in a bit of shock. Was that true? Should I listen to him? I looked back to (Y/N) who had tuned into what the teacher was saying and taking notes, and suddenly her elegant outfit made sense to me if she was also an Ultimate Princess. Wait a minute... how had I not detected her lying when she said she was the Ultimate Fangirl?!

I grumbled and hit my head with a textbook, making a loud thud that turned a few heads, but the teacher kept right on teaching. Was I losing my knack for things? Was I losing my Ultimate talent? I couldn't lose that, it was the last thing I had...! The last in my empty void of a life... the very last chance I had at getting by in this world without crumbling in on myself. The piece of my mask that had been cracked now fell to the floor. I looked at the plastic piece, chuckling at the irony. My metaphorical mask was broken just as my real one.

When classes passed by to lunch I didn't really feel like eating. I wanted to fix my mask more than anything, because now part of my mouth was revealed and I liked to be able to hide my expressions behind my mask. I did the horrible makeshift of some tape and glue, knowing that was the best I'd be able to do on school grounds. I didn't see (Y/N) during lunch at all because I was hiding in my teacher's classroom, but maybe that was for the better. I didn't want to talk to her anyways because I knew the guilt would get to me.

I finished my school day like a loner, and made my way home like a bullied child. I didn't have the motivation to fix my mask when I got back home; all I wanted to do was curl up on my bed and sleep everything away. I wanted to sleep and pretend none of this ever happened because the day bore too heavily on my conscience. It was causing me to slip into some unseen abyss for some unknown reason and I hated it. I wouldn't let that happen to me.

Taking a spot on my bed, I curled up and wished there was somebody to comfort me. I wanted to feel loved and cared for, but nobody loved or cared for me. Instead I was forced to be on my lonesome as I closed my eyes, imagining if I hadn't been so stupid to pull that one prank. Why had a single prank ruined everything I worked so hard to maintain, anyways? Was I still really that fragile? Could I still really break that easily?

That was the last thought that echoed through my mind as I fell into an uneasy slumber where nightmares born of sadness and anxiety took over my mind.

Word count: 1300

Hey guys, sorry for the A/N on this book but I may or may not have done some serious self-harm that's rendered my right arm pretty much useless for the time being. Simply moving my thumb to type puts a lot of strain on my wrist {which is where I hurt myself} so I'm trying to avoid doing a lot of that. The only reason you got this chapter in the first place was because it was already typed, I just needed to consult my translator.

Why am I telling you this? To let you know it'll probably be a little while before I update again since I should let myself heal or else people will get mad at me. I tried turning a doorknob last night and screamed in pain, to give you perspective on what's happened a little bit.

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