Chapter 8

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Warning: More gore!

I looked around for some kind of container or something I could turn into a container, and in the shower I found it. There was a toxin-free bottle of shampoo as well as a toxin-free bottle of conditioner. I emptied out the conditioner and filled it with water from the sink, going out into my main room. I had to make sure Alex wouldn't find my experiment...

I chose to hide it under the bed, pouring the water under my bed onto the padded floor. A wet spot formed and I prodded at the wet padding, finding it now extremely easy to peel away. I peeled it away and came to a wooden surface. I tested its weakness and found it to unfortunately be somewhat sturdy.


"You did WHAT to Shuichi?!" Shaun growled. I simply laughed.

"He hurt you! Plus, the agreement was that because he was dating you I couldn't do anything. He stupidly broke up with you so I put matters into my own hands! Plus, Shuichi dying will cause a huge ripple of despair after all the drama I've created! Don't you see?! We'll finally recreate Junko's world!" I declared happily.

"Ah... now I see what you're gonna do! That was a pretty mean thing to make me despair about, by the way," Shaun pouted childishly.

"Nobody's free from despair! Not even me! So that's why..." I grinned, walking to the cabinet and looking through it, "...You won't be annoying and scream for help, right?"

"That's boring!! Just know I choose to die from the outside in," Shaun giggled.

"Good choice! That makes it easier for me too, breeding parasites is really hard!" I finally found a sedative and turned around to face Shaun, holding the syringe so he'd see it, "Now hold still~"


"(Y/N)!! Shaun's gone missing!" I gasped.

"What?!" (Y/N) faced me in alarm.

"How?! He literally can't walk and he's in the hospital!" Kokichi exclaimed.

"I went to visit him and I saw he was gone... I thought maybe he started physical therapy a day or two early but the nurse said he didn't... and they couldn't find him anywhere!" I explained.


"Shuichi, just give up. That wood isn't gonna come loose," I sighed, slumping down in my wheelchair. Shuichi began moving his hands to use sign language, which I was surprised that he knew but I figured as a detective nonverbal communication was important.

"I'm not giving up! ...Hey, wait a minute! We could use part of your wheelchair to cut through the wood!" Shuichi looked up at me for permission.

"...Fine, as long as it doesn't break it and you can put it back," I sighed.

"Okay..." Shuichi walked behind me and I heard some metallic sounds before there was a click and Shuichi had a sharp-looking piece of metal in his hand as he crouched by the wood.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"I honestly have no idea... but it's sharp!" Shuichi got to work immediately, using the small piece like a saw to cut through the wood. I watched, doing my best to ignore the searing pain on my skin from the slow-acting acid.


"Isn't today Friday...?" I asked.

(Y/N) nodded before looking alarmed, "O-oh, that was the day on the threat-!"

"Now I'm scared..." I mumbled, directing my gaze at Alex. He was just casually eating his lunch but I bet he was secretly enjoying himself.

"I'll be fine! The note said during the school dance so all I gotta do is stay in crowds or something during the dance," (Y/N) shrugged.

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