Duality of Park Chanyeol

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"Chan, you are not hearing me. Like this a relationship can't be continued," Kyungsoo says in angry voice.

"My father is right now so much strict about my schedule. It's not possible to meet like previous. Please try to understand me," Chanyeol tries to make Kyungsoo understand. Kyungsoo is desperate to meet Chanyeol again like previous their date in five star hotel of Dubai.

"Possible. Everything is possible,if just you wanted. Why don't say you are busy with that slut? I don't think he is satisfied with sleep only. Don't he beg to bang him? Have you already fallen in his cheap seducing tricks?"

"Aish! You always end up quarrelling with me. Nothing has happened between me and him and will not happen. I will try my best to rearrange my schedule. I have to switch my schedule with someone else in Arab Emirates airlines after reaching in Dubai, obviously not from Korea, okay?" Chanyeol explains.

"Try? Will try? Listen, Chanyeol. I am coming Dubai in my off day ,whether you will come or not. I have already booked and paid for the same room in same hotel. If you think you want to continue this relationship,then come, otherwise no need. Don't give me excuses. I don't want further anything to hear from you through this fucking phone," Kyungsoo hangs up the line.....


Chanyeol checks the ground floor of elevator. His plan has succeeded. He has switched his schedule with an officer that Kyungsoo prepared. But the plan was so smooth that seeming like every schedule plan changed at last moment from from both side. Kyungsoo is a cool brain person afterall.

After finding out the reserved room of Kyungsoo, Chanyeol knocks the door. Although Kyungsoo was ready for the knock, he takes time to open the door revealing his handsome boyfriend Chanyeol.

"Long time no see, darling," Chanyeol gives his lady-killer smile. But Kyungsoo doesn't care,he just leaves keeping the door open.

"Are you still angry with me?" Chanyeol shouts entering into the room.

"Shut up, Chanyeol...."

"I just wanted you to spend a relaxed off day. Nothing else. The training is so much physical and mental energy consuming. Okay,that was my fault to ask you not to come here. But I have come to prove you, right?" Chanyeol explains to angry Kyungsoo.

"You don't love me like before," Kyungsoo suddenly stands closer to Chanyeol while looking at him with serious expression.

"You have complained this about at least million time. I know how to shut up your savage mouth," Chanyeol hugs Kyungsoo.

"What are you waiting for,daddy?" Kyungsoo pushes Chanyeol on the soft mattress of bed while taking off his shirt.


"Can you please deliver it bit faster? Just 1 hour. Then I can gift that to my lover just before the person takes his flight," Chanyeol talks through the phone with a jewelry company. He has ordered a bracelet for Kyungsoo ,but seeming like he messed up with the schedule. Seeming like it won't be possible to get delivery before Kyungsoo leaves.

"No....no... I need the exact design,exact stones that I selected.... Please try to be bit faster. I will pay extra 5% of total amount," Chanyeol tries his best.....

But seeming like it's not possible to get it in time......

When Kyungsoo returns from shower,he discovers Chanyeol is talking through the phone. As Chanyeol keeps the phone on drawer, Kyungsoo says,

"Will you please take a quick shower? We are going to be late for dinner. We don't have much time together."

"Okay... It's won't take more than 5 minutes," Chanyeol replies while selecting dress from luggage.

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