Out of Mind

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"Baek, I called you last night,you didn't receive my phone. I thought that you slept early. I texted you last night and even texted this morning. You haven't yet seen any of those. Are you okay? Haven't you still get up from bed? " Chanyeol says in anxious voice to Baekhyun who has just received his phone in late morning.

"I am okay. I was just too tired to oversleep," Baekhyun says in clumsy depressed voice.

" Let's meet tonight at 12.30pm. We can have lunch together in officer's quarter's cafe. I will manage one hour for you."

"You don't have to manage. Is there any shortage of people to take lunch with? I think it's not hard to find out someone even to feed you lunch," Baekhyun tries to calm him down. He badly want to ask Chanyeol about these,but Baekhyun wants any valid point from Chanyeol's own side before starting conversation about it.

"I have no one to feed me. I have no one to smell like home. Baek, I should cut the call now. See you at noon. You are the only one to me," Chanyeol cuts the phone hurriedly while running.

Baekhyun doesn't know whether Chanyeol has said it without or with meaning. But Chanyeol is really only one for him.


Kim Minjae,a 2 years little girl, runs while leaving her parents sitting in the guest room  behind in the way of garden of air force officer's training quarter.

"Stop running,Minjae. Mommy is too tired to play hide and seek with you," Jongdae shouts from behind.

"Let her do what she wants. She will cry a lot during leaving," Minseok says  while following Minjae in slow pace.

  Suddenly Minjae bumps into someone and falls down on the ground. The tall person on whom she got bumped kneels infront him. Minjae's lips are now quivering and pouty,she is taking deep breath just as preparation of loud cry watching the tall stranger with big ears. But someone with the stranger suddenly takes her in arms,

"Hey little one,are you hurt anywhere?"

Although Minjae has taken preparation to cry at top of her lung,but this person's assuring voice and smile makes her to cry silently while pointing towards her knee, where she has got scratches.

" Are you a little fairy? Do you want me to cast any magic to heal it?" Baekhyun carefully checks the scratched leg of Minjae.

"Ah! Sorry about my daughter. What mess you have done, Minjae?" Minseok suddenly rushes towards the couple who are now holding his daughter.

Watching him Chanyeol salutes while saying,

"She just got bumped on me while running. She has got scratches on leg. Baekhyun,this is my senior, squadron leader Kim about whom I told you. And Minseok hyung, this is my spouse Baekhyun."


Minjae whines and starts to cry as the time to leave her mommy comes sooner.

"Min Min, if you don't smile right now ,then there will be no marshmallow for you," Jongdae tries to calm the little crying baby.

"I don't need marshmallow, I just need my mommy. Let me stay here. I will stay as a good girl," Minjae sniffs and hiccups while talking.

"You know what this is such a tough time," Minseok says to Chanyeol  while jongdae leaves while carrying crying Minjae away. Minseok offered Chanyeol and Baekhyun to have lunch with his family who have also come to visit him for shorter time.

" I think that we are gonna face such situation sooner. But the difference is ours one still so small to whine or cry," Chanyeol laughs.

" What?..... That means....... Congratulations to both you. Such a good news!"

Baekhyun blushes like a red tomato hearing congratulation first time from someone outsider other than their families and relatives.

"Thank you," Baekhyun says in shy voice.

"Chanyeol,are you not going in mission in next month? Baekhyun is going to have hard times then. But Baekhyun,you will get him near you in late months of pregnancy whenever you need him most," Minseok says excitedly to Baekhyun. Baekhyun really likes the fact that Minseok is talking so freely with him, although it's just their first meeting.


"What's about getting a little fairy like Minseok hyung's daughter?" Chanyeol says while walking with Baekhyun in the garden of officer's quarter.

"So is that means you want the baby to be a girl?" Baekhyun asks understanding the different tone of Chanyeol's speech.

"A little fairy will be match with you. While you took Minjae in arms,it just crossed my mind. You can really bring up a little fairy, Baek."

"Chanyeol?" Suddenly Baekhyun stops walking.


" I trust you so much. I don't know why,but I do. If we get our little fairy,will there be.......," Baekhyun stops as he loses the appropriate word to express what he is thinking.

"Will there be what? You are talking about simple things with complicated meaning.....," Chanyeol smilingly looks at Baekhyun's eyes.

"Oh!... Skip it . I don't know what I am saying actually. I was out of my mind," Baekhyun leaves the topic while turning back to way to leave Chanyeol behind.



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Short update. But I will try to return with big update sooner. Until then stay with me .

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Love you ,guys.❤️❤️❤️

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