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I was not going to break. I was not going to break. I repeated that little mantra  in my head as Detective Aubrey stared me down. I was not going to break. The detective sighed in frustration and sat down across from me, a cold steel table bolted to the concrete floor stood between us.

"Things will go a lot easier if you just tell us what happened," he said slowly, as though I was an errant kid who couldn't understand him.

"I've already told you what happened," I spoke just as slow. "I found the gun in my room,"

"And he just happened to be there too?"

"Well, he is my boyfriend,"

The detective stared at me impassively and sighed again, as though he was agitated by me. He probably was, considering every time we'd met, I was always hididing something from him. And now was no exception. I kept my face impassive too.

"You're lying. When we test that gun for prints, whose fingerprints will we find? Yours? His?" He asked.

I swallowed, "Mine of course, I did touch the gun. And obviously his too, it's his gun,"

"A man is dead, you think about that,"

And with that, he walked out leaving me in the cold quiet room. I frowned and I tried to calm myself. I avoided looking at the camera recording me from the corner of the room, at least I knew it was there, or the mirror which was really one way glass. I wondered briefly who was watching me from the other side.

Yes, I was in a police interrogation room as a person of interest in a murder investigation, again. I took a deep calming breath when the thought sent shivers down my back. How on earth did I get here? With my boyfriend in a matching room no doubt.

You're probably wondering who died. Or who killed him. I can tell you right now it wasn't me. It was....well, I guess I have to tell you the whole story. See it all started at the beginning of the year of two thousand nineteen. February still counts as the beginning, right?


"He's an arse," Talia said as she rummaged through my closet.
I sighed, "He's my professor and he failed me," I said despondently.
Talia stopped her rumaging for a moment and turned to look at me, "Krissy," she said slowly, "He gave you a C, he didn't fail you"
"A C minus!" I shouted getting up from my bed and heading over to stare out my window.

From there I could see the road as well as some of the houses across the street. I lived in a boarding house with three other girls somewhere not too far from the main lecture hall rooms. Mechanal University was quite large, built just on the outskirts of Mechanal forest.

"My scholarship requirements clearly state that I need to keep up an average of A minus. Lowest I should let myself get is a B. And I got a freaking C!"
"Well, you have a make up test in two weeks," Talia reassured me.
"I've never had to take a make up test, what if I flunk it too?"
Talia smiled reassuringly, "Krissy, you're so dense sometimes. I think your paper was great. If Professor Darke didn't think so, it was maybe because he was just in a bad mood or something. Maybe you should talk to him about it. Lord knows the man is an arse,"
I laughed, "You already said that,"
"Which means it's true," she returned to my closet. "Now are you going to help me find you something to wear to this party or not?"
"Should I be going to this party?" I asked standing.
"Yes, it's the party of the year,"
"Jonah throws parties of the year every month," I rolled my eyes. "Hell, he had one last week,"
"Yeah, but we don't get invited to all of them, so this is our chance."
"You just want to see Tyler,"
"You know I've had a crush on him since forever," And by forever she meant ever since we'd started university four months ago. "So him personally inviting me..."
"Us" I interrupted.
She playfully rolled her eyes at me, "Us, is a clear green light,"
"Whatevs, T," I said going to rumage through my closet to find something appropriate for the party.

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