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Talia and Maddie helped me up and took me to my bed. I was a mess of useless limbs and silence.

"What hell, Krissy, why didn't you call us?" Liz asked.

I shut my eyes, trying to chase away the images of Professor Darke. To chase away the feeling of helplessness I'd had in that moment. I could still see his eyes, I was sure the man had gone bonkers right then.

"I lost my phone trying to get away from him, and when I got it back, I just wanted to..." I frowned. "I can still feel him," I said. "And...and he didn't even really do anything, I, I got away, but..." I visibly shivered and Maddie hugged me.
"Campus security is looking for him. He's definitely lost his job," Talia said. "The police have taken over, you need to officially press charges,"
I nodded, "How did you guys know?"
"Vince called," Maddie explained.
"Vince has your number?" I asked surprised.
"He called Matt to call me and I called them," Liz said.
I nodded, "Thank you,"

I wasn't sure whether I was really thanking her or Vince who wasn't even there. Despite the fact that I'd snapped at him and walked out, he was still thinking of me. Caring enough to hunt down my friends and make sure I wasn't alone.

For the second time that week we found ourselves sprawled out on the floor of the living room. I'd been pretty much mute as the girls had made dinner and forced me to watch tv. Not even Chandler could bring a smile out of me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Maddie asked as she stared at my untouched food.
I shook my head, "Not really,"
"Krissy..." Talia tried to reason.
"No, and I don't want my mum to know either," I said. "Promise me none of you will say a word about this to her,"
She nodded, "Do you want to talk about Vince?"

Just his name had my spirits lifting.

"What about him?" I asked.
"He's been calling," Talia answered. "To check on you, he wanted to come over but I convinced him you weren't ready yet,"
I nodded, "Oh,"
"He's really worried about you," Liz said. "He sounded so panicked the first time he called. We've been giving him updates,"

I blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over. Vince was calling my friends non stop to find out how I was. Wanting to come to me but being denied. And then accepting said denial in my best interests. Why was this man such an enigma? And why did I want nothing more than to be in his arms in that very moment?

"Professor Darke tried to rape me," I muttered.

I wasn't sure that's what I planned to say, but it's what came out. Everyone stayed quiet, waiting for me to say more.

"I honestly don't understand. What was he planning to do after? He must have known I would report him. Why would he try to rape me in his office? In broad daylight? I just don't get it,"
"It doesn't matter, let's just be grateful you got away," Talia said.
I laughed humorlessly, "But it does matter. I need to understand it or I'll go crazy. Unless he was crazy? Because that's the only explanation my brain can come up with right now, but I need to be verified otherwise it's just a silly assumption,"
"Krissy, the man is a pig. You're focusing on the wrong thing here," Liz said.
I nodded, "I guess you're right,"
"Please eat something," Maddie urged me softly and something in her voice made me want to cry again.

She noticed that and looked panicked for a second but I reined my tears in again. In the distance, Talia's phone rang. She picked it up and stared at it then glanced at me. Vince was calling.

"Answer it," I told her. So she did.

I couldn't hear what Vince was saying on the other end but Talia told him I was better. I'm not sure what she meant by better because I'd pretty much been the same since it all happened. I knew he asked if he could come over because Talia glanced at me again. I shook my head. I didn't want him to see me like that. Broken and weak. She made up an excuse saying I was sleeping. She told him it'd be best if he stopped by the following day then wished him a goodnight.

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