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I was still at the Rivers residence half an hour later after the police arrived. That was the day I had the unfortunate experience of meeting Detective Flynn Aubrey. I was in the kitchen when he walked in. I'd heard him talking to Mrs. Rivers in the living room and the voice I'd heard did not match the man that met my sight. He was tall and broad shouldered and looked very serious and unapproachable. His voice had sounded so friendly. He looked around the kitchen, at Celine and then his eyes settled on me.

"Hello, I'm Detective Flynn Aubrey," he said showing me his badge. "I assume you're Kristina Sanders?" I nodded. "Good, do you mind telling me what happened?"
I took a deep breath, "I came to pay my respect to the family. When I got here, the door was open so I walked in calling out if anyone was here. No one answered. When I got to the hallway, I heard some ruffling noises and someone came running out of Roger's room and right passed me, out the door,"
"Can you describe what this person looked like?"
"Not really, he was dressed in all black, wearing a hood, could have been a woman, a tall one. It all happened so fast. I didn't even notice they'd carried something out with them,"
"And this person didn't say anything to you? Didn't even touch you?"
"No, I think I startled him, he ran out so quickly,"
"No one else was in the house?" He asked.
"None that I know of," I answered.

Detective Aubrey looked around again.

He turned to Celine, "Only his laptop was taken?"
"And his gym bag. We're still checking, but that's all we've noticed so far,"
He looked around, again, making me feel uneasy, "Thank you so much, Miss Sanders, you're free to go," he smiled at me but his smile seemed forced.
I nodded, "Thank you,"

And I left.

Outside, a group of neighbours had began to gather, interested in what was happening within the walls of Roger's house. Roger's mother was a professor at the school, so she and her family all lived within the school grounds.

Maddie had already made lunch when I got back but eating was the last thing on my mind. She must have noticed from the look on my face because she rushed over to me immediately.

"Krissy? What's wrong? What happened?" She asked pulling out a chair for me to sit.
"Someone robbed the Rivers,"
"What?" She gasped in shock.

I relayed the events of the passed hour to her.

"That's terrible, are you okay? He didn't hurt you?" she said sitting down next to me.
"I think I just need a shower and some sleep, I'll feel better soon," I said. "You seem better,"
She nodded, "I just needed some sleep,"

I nodded and went to my room where I did exactly what I said I would. Shower and sleep. Sleeping was a little difficult though. As mentally exhausted as I was, my mind played the image of the black hooded figure. The way he, or she, had come barreling past me. I'd been startled.

A knock at my door made me sit up as Talia walked in.

"Hey," she said closing the door behind her.
"Hi," I answered.
"Maddie just told me what happened,"
"Oh," was I could say.
"Why didn't you call me?"
"You were still in class,"
"Still, you could have left a message," she sat down next to me.
"Guess I'm still in shock,"
"Yeah, I can imagine," Talia said. "You could have been hurt,"
"I'm fine," I said dismissively.
"That could have been Roger's killer,"
"He took Roger's laptop, and gym bag,"
"You think it had something to do with why he was killed?" she asked.
"Could be, I don't know, I just wanted to rest for a bit,"

Then we both lay down in silence after that. And I felt infinitely better. And then suddenly it hit me. Vince! I sat up suddenly and Talia watched me worriedly.

"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Nothing, I... I just need to go see Matt," I said.
She smiled, "You do like him,"
"Not like that,"

I grabbed my keys and purse and as I was about to leave, Talia stopped me.

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