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I stared at the grave stone before me.

In memory of Nicolette Fawn,
a sister and a daughter,
you'll always be remembered.

I frowned. She was more than just a sister and a daughter. She was my best friend. My partner. My family. And now she was just gone. Still gone.

"I promised you I'd avenge your death, Nic," I murmured. "That bastard paid for his crime. It's just unfortunate that Jonah had to pay for it too. But you understand I had to fix this. Someone had to go down for killing Tyler. And after what everyone thinks he did to Celine, then he deserved what he got. I made his death look as painless as possible. Laced his drink with enough coke. Kind of poetic, don't you think? He went out the same way you did. No one questioned the fact that his suicide note was printed. I guess everyone just wanted this whole mess to be over and done with. Well I gave them an ending. And no one will ever be the wiser. It's all over. Rest In Peace, sister,"


I watched the dice roll over and over again until they came to a stop. Great, a hard eight. That's not what I wanted. Not what I needed.

"Oh, Mattie boy, looks like luck isn't on your side," James said to me.
I shook my head, "Add it to my tab, I'm good for it, you know that,"
James laughed, "You gotta learn when to quit,"
"Just shut up and ring me up the total, will you?"
"Fine, no need to get testy,"

I watched James head to the bar and I glanced at the table before me. I used to be so good at this game. What happened to me? My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, smiling when I saw Liz was calling. I didn't answer though. The last thing I needed was for her to hear the noise in the background and figure out where I was. I couldn't let the happen. So I let her go to voicemail.

Mystery character

They looked so happy. Walking down the street, with that gorgeous dog following them. I couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it must have been good news because Krissy was smiling like Vince had just proposed to her or something.

It didn't matter though. Everything was soon going to sort itself out. I stared at the book in my hands. A Bounty series novel, Raging Past by Charles Thornton, AKA Vincent Delavigne. I smiled to myself. I only had to be patient. They'd both be back. Mechanal wasn't done with them.

I'd made sure, now all I had to do was wait. And I was very good at that.

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