Thirty Four

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I covered my ears as the girls screamed in excitement.

"Finally!" Liz said. "Took you guys forever,"

I was back home after Vince, my boyfriend, I couldn't stop saying that, it still felt so surreal, had brought me home. He'd decided to give me and my friends some time to talk so he'd dropped me off outside, kissed me like he'd never see me again, and promised he'd be back later.

I'd walked into the house, incredibly overjoyed, dressed in his clothes again due to the cold and when I'd stepped into the house, Talia, Maddie and Liz were all there. I'd had to apologize, again, for my disappearing act. Then after that I told them that Vince and I were officially together and cue the screaming.

"Wait, what about Reese?" Talia asked.
"They're just friends," I answered. "Point is, we talked, we squared things out and we're good," I said.
"Aww, I'm so happy for you," Maddie hugged me and I winced in pain.
"Sorry guys, but I hurt my back in the scuffle yesterday, so you're going to have to be careful," I laughed shakily.
"Oops, sorry," Maddie released me.
"Why aren't you guys in school?" I asked.
"Are you kidding? We couldn't just leave without knowing if you were okay," Talia said.
I smiled, "Thanks you guys, I'm fine now, I was really shaken yesterday, but it's all good now,"
"Are you sure?" Liz asked and I nodded.
"Yes guys, go to class, Vince will be over soon anyway, I'm good,"
"Krissy, the police will be here later, I'm not sure if they're coming here directly or to the dean, but once you file an official complaint, there will be an official manhunt for the man," Talia said.
"I bet he's long gone by now," I said.

About an hour later, after they'd all left, I went to my room to change. As much comfort as Vince's clothes gave me, I was drowning in them. I dressed in leggings and an old t shirt but wore his hoody again. It smelt like him. I missed him. We'd been apart for barely two hours and I already missed him. Great. I was one of those people.

I found my phone on the dining table and smiled when I found a message from him checking in. I went to the living room and sat down, calling him.

"Hey," he answered.
"Are you okay?"
"Will people stop asking me that?"
"No, we're concerned,"
"I'm fine,"
"Did you talk to your friends?"
"Yeah, finally convinced them to go to class,"
"You're alone?"
"I'm fine, Vince,"
"I like that you think that. But the sound of your name sends you into panic, how okay are you really?"
"I'll get over it,"
"Not alone, you won't,"
"What do you want me to do?"
"Getting rid of all your friends wasn't smart. And I have to leave campus for a quick reading in town, I don't know how long I'll be gone, it just came up,"
"Vince, I'm an adult, I think I can handle being home alone for a few hours,"
He sighed, "Okay, just let me know if you need anything,"
"Go work, Mr. Thornton, I'll be here when you get back,"
"Good, we'll do dinner,"
"And hey," he said before I cut the line.
"I love you,"
I couldn't help myself, I smiled, "I love you,"

I decided to watch some tv. I was excused from class all week and I decided I was going to laze around and just relax. Take a further study break if you will. Exams were the following week anyway. I wasn't even half way into a movie when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to answer it surprised to find Matthew.

"Hey," he said walking in.
"Uh...hello," I closed the door. "Liz isn't here,"
"I'm here for you,"
"Me?" I frowned "Did Vince call you?"
"Don't get mad,"
I rolled my eyes, "That's a yes,"
"Look, we all lost our minds looking for you yesterday,"
"I was gone twenty minutes tops,"
"Thirty five. Thirty five minutes that your friends had no idea where you were. You walked outside, no phone, no shoes, into the dark, and then it started raining," he stared at me as though waiting for me to disagree. "Liz called me, frantic. Talia called Vince. You know they thought the Professor had somehow come back for you,"
I frowned, "They didn't tell me that,"

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