Forty Six

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I know who you are. I know where you are. I want my money or I tell everyone.

I stared at my screen for a long time. The message scaring me into shock. It was only a matter of time before he found me. I should have known. I should have...

"Maddie, stop spacing out and give me your opinion," Talia interrupted my thoughts.
"You look fine, Talia," I told her. "I need to go get ready too," I said just before I closed her bedroom door.

She was wearing this cool pirate costume and looked perfect but of course, Talia had to countercheck every stitch of her clothing on her own. I wasn't wearing a costume to the party. Hell, part of me didn't even want to go to this party. Which I guess was very unlike me. But today, well today would have been the day. The day I have been refusing to acknowledge since the last party I attended at that boarding house. Since Roger.

The night of a Roger's death...

"You haven't touched that cup," Liz said as she returned from the bathroom.
I smiled, "I'm contemplating,"

Should I drink this or not? In a few hours it won't matter anyway, but still.

"We're at a party, drink," Liz said and waved at someone before moving to make space on the swing. I turned and saw Krissy approach. "Hey Krissy,"
"Hi," Krissy answered smiling.
"Didn't think you'd be here after Professor Darke gave you a C," I said, we were both in Professor Darke's History Of Culture class.
Krissy laughed, "Talia is very convincing,"

Yes, she is. We were all here because of her.

"You'll ace the make up test, don't worry" Liz said and faced the guys that had just walked by. "Isn't Matthew Crawley just...incredible?" She asked.

Matthew Crawley was friends with my boyfriend, uh I mean ex boyfriend, Roger. Oh who the hell am I kidding? My boyfriend. Roger and I had gotten back together about two weeks earlier but chosen to keep it secret. We didn't need his mother and her disapproving commentary weighing in on us. Especially concerning what I planned to do. Anyway, Matthew, whom I'd met along with Roger back in high school, was standing not too far away from us, talking to some other guy I didn't know.

I'd seen more of Matthew since starting at the university, and he tutored Krissy every week. I had a feeling he liked her. He was cute, and they were both geniuses in their own fields.

"I heard he's on the market, he and his girlfriend broke up," I said, a plan forming in my head. "Maybe he needs a shoulder to cry on"
"Ha, I doubt he needs that," Liz said.
"I dare you to find out," I told Krissy.
"What?" Both Krissy and Liz asked, mortified.
"Yeah," I encouraged. "Go talk to him"
"About what? He's just my friend, not a potential boyfriend," Krissy asked and I knew I'd gotten her interested enough to pursue it.
"Figure something out," I said standing up and pulling her up too.
She sighed, "Wish me luck,"

She didn't need it.

Liz and I watched Krissy walk up to Matthew and the other guy. It took only a few seconds and the other guy left them alone, making me smile. I sat down again. Krissy came back after a few minutes and told us what they'd spoken about. So he and Alya really had broken up.

"You should definitely date him" I said.
She shook her head, "uhm, no,"
"He's back," Liz said.

Krissy turned and went back to him, taking the can he handed her. They talked for a few seconds and then she waved at us and they were gone. I smiled feeling triumphant. Until Liz spoke.

"Is that Roger?"

I looked up and yes, there was my boyfriend leaving the kitchen. The same secret boyfriend, that when I'd spoken to just hours earlier, had said he wasn't coming to the party. Hell, he'd adamantly refused to come.

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