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"Hmm, twice in one day," I said letting him in.
"Lucky me," he said placing the food on the table. "I brought dinner,"
"Lunch yesterday, breakfast this morning, and now dinner, you're spoiling me,"
He smiled sheepishly, "I love feeding you,"

I turned to pull out plates and cutlery in an attempt to hide my blush and helped him dish out the food then sat down to eat with him.

"Didn't feel like gracing your kitchen this evening?" I asked as we started to eat.
"Not tonight, unfortunately, not in the mood. And when you're in a bad mood, it reflects on your food,"
"What has you in a mood?"
"Just arguments with my publisher, the usual stuff,"
I stared at him intently, "Go on,"
He laughed, "Creative differences I guess,"
"Does she not like what you're writing?"
"How do you know she's a she?"
"I know Charles Thornton's publishing company,"
"I forget, you really are my biggest fan,"

I smiled and stood to grab a carton of juice from the fridge.

"I guess I am," I said pouring us each a glass.

I did so from the counter and he had his back to me giving me ample opportunity to ogle him without being seen. His hair was tied back again. Looking at him so openly, I noticed he looked tired, it was in the way his shoulders were slumped in his seat. And yet he was here. To spend time with you. I shook my head and returned to the table with our drinks.

"Thanks," he said.
"You look really tense, things with your publisher really that bad?"
"Not exactly, just got more work to do I guess,"

I nodded and instead of sitting down, went to stand behind him.

"I think you could use a massage," I said.
He laughed, "You're a messuse now?"
"I have my secrets," I answered. "Besides, I used to help my mum out when she was stressed with a case, come on, lean back, and relax,"
He did as I asked, "I'm trusting you with my body here, don't break me,"
I gasped, "Never,"

I placed my hands on his shoulders and kneaded the flesh there. He really was tense, coiled like a spring. Part of me wanted to know in detail why his publisher was causing him so much grief but I didn't want to pry. So instead, I focused on my task and felt him start to relax under my hands, he let out a deep breath and his head lolled back, facing up at me, eyes closed.

"You're really good at this," he said.
"I know," I replied feeling elated.

I was giving Charles Thornton a massage. How surreal was that.

"So, why aren't you out?" He asked as I moved my hands to the side of his arms, secretly feeling his muscles now more than actually massaging him. I was practically molesting him for all he knew.

"I have early classes tomorrow, and really, I'm a nerd, don't go out that often," I answered rubbing my hands against him.
He laughed, "Is that so?"
"Yep, a shut in really,"
"A shut in with very vivid dreams,"
"What?" I almost choked and stopped my ministrations and went to sit back right beside him.
"You were talking in your sleep," he looked at me.
I covered my face in embarrassment, "Oh no, what did I say?"
"I'm not sure. You sort of laughed, I think,"
"Dear God,"
"It was cute,"
"I'm glad you think so,"
"What were you dreaming about anyway?" He asked.
"I'd rather not say," I looked down at my plate.
"And why is that?"
"I think I've embarrassed myself enough for one day," I looked back at his face.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of," he said staring at me intently.

Suddenly the door opened and Maddie came in. We both turned to look at her and she smiled at us

"Oh, hello," she said to us.
Vince stood, "You must be Madeline, the Hunky Pants girl,"
Maddie blushed, "I am so sorry about that, and please, call me Maddie,"
Vince laughed, "No worries, nice to know my nick name isn't boring," he said. "I should be leaving now,"
"No, stay, I didn't mean to interrupt," she said and I stood too.
"You didn't, but do join your friend for dinner, the spring rolls are delicious," he said.
"I'll walk you out," I said and passed an apologetic looking Maddie.

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