𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒑 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑫𝒖𝒎𝒑 :: 01

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It was all because of Park Jimin's parents.

It was all because of their close mindedness and prejudices, that he too harboured the same beliefs as they did.

He hated gay people. Hated homosexual relationships, and the mere thought of two people of the same sex being together. It brought him unadulterated disgust. Nothing was more shameful to him. Enough to make his skin crawl.

And if that wasn't enough for him to worry about, he had grades as well as a status to uphold: the wealthy, handsome, and intelligent school body president.

However, there was one thing that he constantly found himself lying about, but only because it constantly somehow made it's way into conversation.

Now, Jimin wasn't a frequent liar. But like mentioned before, he had a status to uphold. And so he did what had to be done.

"Jimin, how many girls have you banged since the last time I've asked?"

"Jason, the last time you asked me this question was literally last block," Jimin said, a sigh following while he forked at his food, chin perched on his palm. "So the answer is still four."

Lie. Zero.

"Come on, Jimin, it has to be more than that. I mean look at you, you're handsome - no homo - smart, school body president, what's not to love?" Eric chimed in, who for some reason found it the perfect time to be curling weights at the lunch table. He was sweet, but a jock airhead.

"Is four not enough?" Jimin questioned while placing his fork down on his plate, arm now layed along the table.

Truth be told, none of the girls at his school really piqued his interest. And despite most of his female classmates being rich themselves, they all appeared to want one thing: his money. They seemed rather bothersome and clingy as well, which Jimin didn't have the time for.

"Four is never enough, Jimin! It's not like you have to stay with the next chick you find. As I always say: fuck and chuck, hit and quit, hump and dump, ejaculate and evacuate, tap that ass then hit the gas-"

"Shoot the jizz then out you is, yeah, I know, Jason. I've heard it many times before. But doesn't it get old? Y'know... not settling down with someone?" Jimin questioned with genuine curiosity. Maybe his dumb wit friends weren't the best to be seeking out relationship advice from, but who else was he going to ask? They seemed to have the most experience sexually, meanwhile he had, well... none.

Jason and Eric both laughed at this, making Jimin shrink in his seat.

"What's so funny? You guys, I'm serious."

"We're young, Jimin. What point is there in settling down when you can explore the vast sea of women our world has to offer?" Eric pitched, finally taking the time to place his dumbell down.

"That and all of the STD's? No thank you." Jimin shook his head adamantly, in no way kidding; however both of his friends began to laugh once again anyways, prompting him to roll his eyes and release an exhausted huff.

"Well, my next two blocks are spares and I have some homework I need to finish," Jimin announced while he stood up from his seat, beginning to pack his things up. "I'm going home."

"Aw, come on man. Don't leave us just yet," Jason whined his plead rather pathetically, it being more cringeworthy than persuading.

Jimin raised his brows and cocked his head to the side while stuffing his things into his backpack. "If you guys did your work, you'd have as much free time as I do. Work those brains of your's and you'll get the benefits," he said while throwing his bag straps over his shoulders.

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