𝑷𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝑳𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 :: 07

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Jimin absolutely hated the idea of people treating others unfairly. And that's where he had himself confused.

Jungkook's words continued to play in his head like a mantra. The repetition of his accusations in his mind were incessant, leading him to the brink of insanity. Jimin's parents always taught him to be kind, yet also avoid homosexuals simultaneously. They were gross and inhumane.

It had him muddled, to say the very least. And he hadn't started thinking about the irony until Jungkook confronted him about it earlier. It just didn't make any sense.

"Jimin, how did your unit exam go?" Mr. Park questioned, the loud slurping of coffee being the thing to knock Jimin out of his thoughts.

"I think I aced it."

"You think?"

"I know I aced it."

"That's better."

Jimin smiled softly. His father was home for once. But that didn't mean very many things special. Just the fact that he'd have his school life questioned like he were a suspect being interrogated for a murder case.

"How have you been, father?" Jimin asked from his standing position at the kitchen counter. It had been a little while since they'd seen each other. He figured he'd ask.

Mr. Park cleared his throat, folding his newspaper up before placing it neatly against the surface of the dinner table. He adjusted his glasses before peering up at his son, studying him through his spectacles. "Why do you ask?"

Jimin shrugged, followed by an, "I don't know," he said while scratching at the back of his neck. "It's just been awhile since we've talked and I know you're busy. Is work going smoothly?"

His father smiled, which was something Jimin witnessed only on rare occassions. "Work? Ah yes. Work has been going quite smoothly," he assured with a pleased way about his words.

"That's good," Jimin said as he played with his fingers. God, why were things so awkward all of the sudden? They used to converse so smoothly but he didn't find it difficult to notice the adjustments in his father's behaviour. They were all subtle but clearly leading up to one big change.

"Well, I think I'm going to go for a short walk," Jimin announced suddenly, prompting his father to raise a coarse brow in question.

"A walk? Have you finished up all of your homework?"

"Yes, father," Jimin said with a smile. "I'm all caught up."

"Good," Mr. Park lauded. "Go ahead. Go for a walk, then."

"Thank you," Jimin said before he dismissed himself out the front door of his large-scale home. It was quite the beautiful day out. The sun was shining rather brightly, making amends for the coldish weather.

He passed his big outward garage, finding Jungkook and Mr. Jeon settled on the sidewalk of their home. Jimin backpedaled and hid, his head poking out from behind the wall. He couldn't help himself. He was naturally curious and his body had a mind of it's own.

"Can't you go one day without causing a ruckus at school? I thought things were going to change once we moved. It must be that Hoseok boy that you keep meeting. You should have left him behind," Mr. Jeon stressed, rubbing at his brow.

"It has nothing to do with Hoseok! Your little announcement during Friday happened to put a wrench in quite literally everything. If you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't had to have paid the principal a visit," Jungkook retorted angrily, arms crossed over his chest in a standoffish manner. He hadn't even the chance to walk into his house yet before his father caught him off guard.

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