𝑰 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆 :: 32

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Jimin straddled Jungkook's waist, poking at his chest as the brunette stared at him adoringly, hands placed beneath his head.

"You had me so worried," Jungkook said and Jimin frowned, dissolving into the other boy's figure. He laid on his chest like a baby koala, and the brunette wrapped his arms around the other boy, rubbing his back up and down. "I can't believe your dad. If I was there..."

"But we're here now," Jimin stated and his words came out as puddy seeing as his cheek was pressed up against Jungkook's shoulder.

"Yeah, and I never would have guessed your grandpa is gay. That's cool as hell," Jungkook gushed and Jimin giggled into the boy's neck.

"Well, I never would have guessed I was gay, either. But you helped me discover myself and I'm extremely thankful for that. You're some sort of superhero," Jimin mused as he lifted his head to dive into Jungkook's eyes, gladly drowning in his honey irises.

Jungkook sniffed, threading his fingers through Jimin's black locks of hair. "I think that's probably taking it a little too far. I'm no superhero," he argued, however Jimin was quick to be stubborn and shake his head adamantly.

"Superheroes don't have to wear capes and fly. You taught me how to be myself and stayed by my side during my darkest times. That's probably the most heroic thing somebody can do. Yeah, it may sound cheesy, but--"

Jimin got cut off as Jungkook pressed his forefinger to the boy's fast moving lips, silencing him. They looked into each other's eyes for a short period before Jungkook relocated his hands to Jimin's cheeks, giving them small squishes. "I'm gonna kiss you now," he said and the ravenette sat still, waiting in anticipation until he felt Jungkook's rosy lips press against his own. He allowed himself to melt into his embrace and he slowly began to move his mouth against the brunette's with increased fluidity.

Jungkook ended up parting Jimin's mouth successfully and shortly their tongues were moving smoothly against one another. All sensible thoughts in Jimin's mind had vanished completely as he began to roll his hips, eager for more. Perhaps with a bit of shame, this was one thing he missed deeply about being away from Jungkook. Dropping his defenses completely and feeling the other boy's hot skin against his own.

"I missed this," Jimin voiced as soon as they parted, pressing his forehead to Jungkook's. His hands moved to tangle in the brunette's hair and he bit down on the other boy's lip, tugging softly.

A hungry sound left Jungkook's mouth and he pressed his hands to Jimin's small waist, pushing him deeper and pulling him closer, if possible. The ravenette leaned down, his lips brushing Jungkook's ear as he whispered breathily. "I still wanna play with rope."

After those sultry words rolled off of Jimin's tongue, a small squeak parted his lips seeing as Jungkook had flipped the boy over expertly, hovering above him. "Don't tempt me," the brunette purred and danced his fingertips beneath Jimin's top, drawing patterns gently and watching as the ravenette bit down on his lip.

Brazenly, Jimin had lifted his knee, brushing it against Jungkook's groin teasingly and the latter let out a deep grunt, his face falling into the crook of the ravenette's neck. He nibbled there softly, placing open mouthed kisses and love bites.

Extremely soft and needy moans fell from Jimin's swollen red lips and his eyes fluttered closed. His body begged desperately for more, however Jungkook had quickly removed himself from above Jimin, sitting at the edge of the bed.

His brows furrowed in confusion and he approached Jungkook, perching his chin on the boy's shoulder. "What's wrong?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know... I like just met your grandpa. I don't want to disrespect him in any way," he explained with clear confliction and Jimin placed his hand on Jungkook's bicep.

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