𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 :: 27

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Jungkook sat at the small island in Hoseok's house, dipping his spoon into his cereal before lifting it to his lips to take a bite. Yesterday at school he'd gotten no time to see Jimin and that bothered him. He had a couple of things he needed to say and they had been eating away at him gradually, causing his focus on other things to falter completely. The only thing on his mind as of recently had been the adorable black haired boy.

"Watchya' thinkin' 'bout?" Hoseok asked as he walked into the kitchen, reaching for his own glass bowl and then the cereal.

Jungkook jerked, and then a sheepish smile broke onto his lips. He shook his head, taking another small bite out of his cereal before pushing it away. He had done so much thinking that the once small solid squares were now mushy.

"Nothing. Just personal affairs. That's all," Jungkook responded and Hoseok stopped pouring his cereal mid-action, deciding to circle the island and take a seat next to the brunette.

"Are you thinking about your mother? You know you can talk to me about these kinds of things. Sometimes you forget about how close we are," Hoseok mentioned and Jungkook smiled softly, although shook his head in response.

"My mother is always on my mind but as of right now there's just something bigger bothering me. But really, it's fine. I'll just figure it out when the time comes, I guess," Jungkook brushed off and then reached for his backpack, swinging it over his arms. "Now let's get to school before we're late," he suggested and then smiled.

Hoseok grumbled softly, not having had the chance to eat some cereal. He reached for a granola bar, hoping it would tide him over as he followed Jungkook out the doors, meeting him in his vehicle parked just on the side of the road.

"Can I ask you something?" Jungkook questioned as he stared out the window and Hoseok glanced at him for a moment, nodding his head.

"That boy that was with you the day you took me away from my father's. Who was that? Was that a friend or what? I've never seen him before," Jungkook pointed out and a smile creeped onto Hoseok's lips.

"I've kind of been trying to keep it on the down low but I guess considering you're staying with me that makes things a little bit harder. His name is Yoongi and he's my boyfriend," Hoseok explained and Jungkook gawked at him.

"You have a boyfriend!" Jungkook exclaimed and Hoseok chuckled as he began to pull away from the curb, smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, I know. Kind of crazy considering how in love with you I was..." he began and then he trailed off. "Anyways! I've moved on and he's the cutest fluff ball ever. Like seriously. I just wanna squish him to death," Hoseok gushed and Jungkook smiled, definitely finding himself relating. There's a certain boy he would definitely squish and cuddle all day long if he could.

"I'm sorry," Hoseok suddenly expressed and Jungkook's smile smoothed into a straight line. He looked over at the red haired male and caught his reluctant expression and the fact that he was trying to choose his next words carefully, it seemed.

"For what?" Jungkook asked.

"I just," Hoseok started and then he ran his hands down his face, clearly distressed. "I was crazy. In more ways than one. I knew you started to like Jimin for real and I became a little bit lesser in your eyes. I really regret what I did but I hope you can forgive me," he continued and with each word that rolled off of his tongue, Jungkook's blood ran a little bit colder.

"What, Hoseok? What did you do?" Jungkook asked and the both of them were now parked in the student parking lot.

Hoseok scratched at the back of his neck, hesitant to speak. Rubbing his clammy palms along his thighs, he looked up to meet Jungkook's alarming expression and he knew that if he didn't spill now, he wouldn't get a chance to.

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