𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝑵𝒆𝒄𝒌 :: 11

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It was beyond the word struggle to get Jungkook inside of Jimin's house. He could barely walk, and the ravenette was only so strong.

They settled on the couch, Jungkook falling back into it as a heavy sigh left his lips. His body ached and his mind was spinning.

Jimin scurried away from the living room, returning with a small medic kit in his hands. He placed it on the coffee table gently, taking a seat beside Jungkook on the sofa.

"This is pretty bad," he noted quietly as he dug through some of the contents of the kit frantically, brows scrunched together in focus as he attempted to find the right supplies.

"You don't say," Jungkook joked with a small chuckle, immediately regretting it as soon as pain struck his stomach.

"Don't laugh," Jimin ordered sternly as he finally managed to find the correct supplies, removing them from the kit and placing them on the table.

Jungkook raised a questioning brow. "Since when do you get to tell me what to do?" he asked.

"Since you're wounded on my couch with no explanation to give," Jimin retorted as he doused a cotton ball with alcohol. "Now this is going to sting. Try to sit still, please," he asked as he dove in, pressing it to a small cut on Jungkook's cheek.

The latter hissed, biting down harshly on his bottom lip to try and distract himself from the pain.

"Squeeze my leg if you have to, Jungkook," Jimin suggested as he continued to dab gingerly at his wound.

Jungkook adhered to his words, hand gripping at Jimin's thigh. The latter let out a small gasp as he froze in place.

"Nuh-not there... lower," he mumbled as he pushed Jungkook's hand further down his leg.

Jungkook chuckled, watching as blush crept onto Jimin's cheeks. His lips pulled into a straight line as he continued to work at Jungkook's face deftly, not missing a single spot.

"So, did you watch any porn?"

Jimin halted mid-motion, choking on his spit. "What kind of question-"

Jungkook shrugged. "I just wanted to know if you actually went through with it. That's all," he said meanwhile cutting Jimin off. He noticed the lingering silence, causing him to gasp.

"No way! You actually watched porn?"

"No I didn't! Now sit still before I poke your flipping eyes out," Jimin grumbled in disagreement, although evidently the tips of his ears turned red and the rosy dust on his cheeks continued to disseminate.

"Mhm," Jungkook hummed teasingly. "Please don't tell me it was straight porn. That stuff blows."

Jimin sighed, pulling his hand away. "Stop talking or else I'm going to make you."

Jungkook smirked. "Is that a threat?"

Jimin whined. "I don't know! Just stop moving your lips for one second!"

The brunette laughed, once again regretting it immediately. He actually kept his mouth closed, taking the time to study Jimin's face. It scrunched together cutely in concentration as his top row of teeth found home in the plush of his bottom lip. His eyes twinkled naturally as he was hard at work, very carefully patching up Jungkook's face.

"You're very pretty."

Jimin pulled his hand away, eyes meeting Jungkook's. "Puh-pretty? I'm not pretty... I'm a boy. And you are, too. You shouldn't be calling me pretty," he said quietly as he stared down into his lap.

Jungkook tsked as he hooked his finger below Jimin's chin, lifting his head up to level their faces. The ravenette blushed madly, keeping his eyes trained on something that wasn't Jungkook's face.

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