𝑺𝒐𝒈𝒈𝒚 𝑪𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 :: 02

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Jimin couldn't sleep that night. His mind was now addled with the image of Jungkook's tongue down another boy's throat. It was enough to make him gag and his stomach lurch. His thoughts were uncollected and spiraling into the worst possible outcomes.

What was he going to tell his parents? Was he going to tell his parents that a faggot was now living next door? Was in their home? God, he had no clue what to do. It would make his mother and father furious. Even he was furious. He had been blindsided.

Should he confront Jungkook, or was that a dangerous thing to do? Truth be told, Jimin had never actually met a gay person before. At least not that he knew of. How was he supposed to act around them? Were they contagious? He never planned this far, because he believed that his disliking toward them would be enough to steer them away.




Jimin sighed, scrunching his nose. He quickly silenced his alarm, apparently having no need for it in the first place. It was always at five in the morning that he would wake up. He had a routine, and he wasn't going to let the haunting portrayals of Jungkook and that strange boy hinder it.

Firstly, he'd go to the generously sized gym in their house and work out. It was imperative that he kept in good shape. He liked to believe that he did it for himself, but he was also aware of the small voice in the back of his mind that told him he was doing it for the approval of others.

A shower followed after this, as well as the reoccurrence of him standing in front of his full body length mirror, picking at the pieces of himself that he disliked. That he thought other people would dislike.

He supposed he wasn't as perfect as everybody thought he was.

He got dressed relatively slow that morning as he didn't get any sleep, and the consequences of it were starting to show. He pulled a baby blue sweater over his arms and a beige pair of pants over his legs, accompanying them with a pair of plain black high top converse. He did his hair, sweeping most of it to the left as he was aiming for the more exposed forehead look.

At this point he would have roughly thirty minutes left until he took to school, giving Jimin just enough time to have a small bowl of cereal for breakfast. It was a meal he never ate much of and sometimes skipped considering he never really had an appetite early in the morning.

He walked downstairs, finding his mother and father both sitting at the dinner table, enjoying warm cups of coffee; however, they weren't talking and instead had their noses burried in a phone screen and newspaper respectively. He didn't want to believe they were growing more distant, but he didn't really have a choice considering the circumstances.

"Mother, father," he greeted with a smile as he walked over to the pantry, pulling out a box of Cheerios.

"Good morning, dear. How was your sleep?" his mother asked, face still leveled with her phone as she scrolled and scrolled.

Jimin nearly choked on his spit, having to muster all power and refrain from doing so. "It was good," he replied simply as he then ventured over to the fridge, pulling out a carton of milk and placing it on the counter before hunting for a bowl.

"And how is school going?" his father asked suddenly as he kept his attention glued to the paper, flipping onto a new page.

Jimin stopped pouring his milk, twisting the lid back onto the carton. "It's going good. I've actually accumulated enough votes and the school is going to fill in the pot holes spread across the student parking lot. Maybe even turn turn it into pavement instead of dirt." He smiled as he put the milk away.

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