𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑻𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍 :: 23

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Jungkook laid Jimin down with great ease onto his bed, watching as a pretty pink flourished on his cheeks. The ravenette chewed on his lower lip as he watched Jungkook pull his shirt off of his body, tossing it to the side. He ogled his defined abdomen without shame, wanting a taste.

"Stare all you want, baby. This is nobody's but yours. How does that sound?" Jungkook pitched with his lips curved into a smirk, watching as Jimin nodded his head frantically, clearly not opposed.

"You wanted to eat me up before you even knew you liked boys, didn't you?" Jungkook questioned again, and Jimin nodded his head with a meek expression. He bit down hard on the inside of his cheek and hooked his fingers within the loopholes of Jungkook's jeans, inching him closer.

"So impatient and needy. I'm gonna take good care of you, baby," Jungkook caressed Jimin's side gingerly with his fingers, watching as said boy shifted greedily.

"P-please be gentle," Jimin asked quietly and Jungkook chuckled.

"Of course I'll be gentle. Unless you give me a reason to punish you, that is," Jungkook remarked and Jimin's eyes widened with panic.

"P-punish?" he reiterated benignly and backed up a little bit further, causing Jungkook to grip his thigh tenderly, halting his movements.

"Don't worry, baby. We'll keep it simple until you're ready to do other things. How does that sound? You'd love to explore your kinks with me, wouldn't you?" Jungkook purred as he brushed the inside of Jimin's thigh, Jimin's face contorting softly with pleasure. He nodded his head and the brunette hummed quietly.

Jungkook then trailed his hand up Jimin's body slowly, finger curling beneath his top. "We'll have to get rid of this, angel. You don't mind, do you?"

Jimin shook his head, watching with submission as Jungkook's lips broke into a soft smile. Slowly, he rolled the ravenette's top up and placed gentle kisses to his stomach, using his tongue occasionally prompting Jimin to moan softly. As soon as Jungkook had reached Jimin's perked nipples, he pinched one of them between his fingers and licked at the other one carefully.

Sweet moans rolled off of Jimin's tongue and spilled from his mouth. He bit down on his lower lip to try and control himself. His hands wove into Jungkook's soft brown hair where he tugged gently.

"Such a good boy," Jungkook praised as he lifted his head, meeting Jimin's flushed face. "You okay, baby? Let me know if you want me to stop. Give me a safe word," he suggested with his fingers massaging into Jimin's waist.

"F-flower," he replied timidly, and Jungkook nodded his head.

"Pretty. Just like you," he started before placing another kiss to Jimin's stomach. "Say flower if you want me to stop."

Jimin nodded his head. "B-but keep going right now, please," he said as he tried to lower his hand and touch himself, however Jungkook had stopped him immediately. This prompted him to whine and he tried to rub his thighs together, being stopped yet again by the brunette's knee stationed between his legs.

"Let me do all of the work. Just sit back and relax, okay?" Jungkook advised, and Jimin whimpered in response.

Jungkook rolled Jimin's shirt off of his body completely, tossing it on the floor. He marvelled at his sweet stomach and noticed how the ravenette seemed rather embarrassed about it, wanting to hide himself with his hands.

"Don't look for too long..." Jimin said quietly and Jungkook smiled.

"You're stunning, baby. You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, okay? You're beautiful just the way you are."

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