𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑭𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 :: 33

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"I heard you guys last night," Jimin's grandpa said as soon as both him and Jungkook reached the bottom of the stairs.

Jimin's cheeks flushed and he hid his face behind his hands, embarrassed. He didn't think anyone was home.

"Heard what?" Jungkook questioned, trying to play it off with a goofy grin and the ravenette expected entirely for his grandfather to scold the both of them. However he broke into a tender laugh and Jimin gawked at him.

"You know exactly what," he mused and he shot Jungkook a small thumbs up, in which the brunette chuckled.

"Oh my gosh you guys are so embarrassing!" Jimin squeaked and clearly his flushed state brought great joy to both his boyfr-- Jungkook, and his grandpa.

"Aw, come on," Jungkook cooed, ruffling Jimin's hair. He leaned into his ear. "You weren't too worried about it last night, were you?" he teased quietly with a playful glint in his eyes, and the ravenette's cheeks tinged red.

"Not now!" he whisper shouted at Jungkook whom in turn just smirked. The brunette watched as Jimin scurried up the stairs clumsily, evidently eager to escape the unwanted attentioned and nearly tripping in the process.

Jungkook turned to grandpa Park and the older man pointed in the direction of the stairs with his chin, encouraging the brunette to chase after his grandson. "Embarrass him some more for me," he suggested and Jungkook chuckled.

"Oh you know I will," he said and then he turned around, slowly walking up the stairs. As soon as he reached Jimin's door, he knocked softly before entering. There sat the smaller boy, completely engulfed in a sea of blankets. He appeared as nothing more than a lump and Jungkook sniffed.

"Baby?" he called out as he entered the room, closing the door behind him. He took a seat on the bed and began to pat the lump gently. "Jimin, let me see your face."

"Mmpph," Jimin sounded in return and Jungkook scrunched his nose, staring at the lump with a deciding look in his eyes. His hand wandered the duvet and he squeezed something, causing the ravenette to yelp.

"That's my butt, you butt!" Jimin yelled.

"That was kind of the point," Jungkook retorted happily.

Soon Jimin rose from the blankets wearing a petulant pout. He crossed his arms and glared at Jungkook, not at all expecting him to dive in and kiss his protruding lips. They sat there for a moment, and the ravenette's irritated expression soon melted into something softer. And then Jungkook tried to pull away, and Jimin mindlessly began to follow him, not wanting to part just yet.

It was sweet and simple, nothing like their previous night filled with passion. Jimin felt two familiar hands settle on his waist and he hummed contentedly, dissolving into Jungkook's hold.

Yet they soon parted and pressed their foreheads together, panting softly.

"I love you," Jimin said suddenly and a small smile fell onto Jungkook's lips. He pulled the ravenette's hand into his lap and caressed it benignly with his thumbs, loving the feeling of his soft skin against his own. It put him at ease in ways words couldn't describe. He was Jungkook's tether.

"I love you, too," Jungkook replied and then pulled Jimin's hands up to his lips, planting soft kisses on each of his fingers. He then looked up into his eyes, trying to decode just exactly what was going on in that mind of his. He seemed to be in deep thought. Reluctancy and uncertainty molded together and formed his current facial expression, one Jungkook found difficulty in deciphering. However a soft puff of air left the boy's lips and the brunette waited patiently for what was to come next.

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