𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒃𝒐𝒚 :: 10

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Jungkook rushed to his mother's place as soon as he got her text message.

He bursted through the door of her beat down trailor. The only thing in sight was a plethora of trash thrown askew on the floor. Alcohol bottles, cigarette packages and even used condoms.

He grimaced, pushing the disgust he harboured aside as he scrambled to reach his mom's bedroom, stepping over as much garbage as he could.

"What the fuck?" Jungkook questioned angrily. "You told me you were in fucking trouble and I believed you. I'm sick and tired of your games," he fumed while standing in the doorway.

His mother laid on the bed, a strange man beside her as he pushed the needle deep into the inside of her elbow. Jungkook grimaced as he watched the fluid dissapear into her system.

"Hello my sweet boy," she greeted exhaustedly. "I'm not in trouble. I just wanted to see you."

Jungkook scoffed, shaking his head. Her eyes drooped lazily and she was extremely skinny and pale. It was nothing new to him, yet the image still managed to haunt him everytime he saw her.

"I don't want to see you like this. Especially if it's with a new gross man everytime I stop by," Jungkook expressed coldly yet truthfully, observing the male on the bed as he stilled, sending the young brunette a glare.

His mother sighed, feeling the needle pulled out of her. She turned to her presumably junky hookup, fingers brushing his arm lazily. "Please let me speak with my son for a second."

He nodded his head, although very stiffly. He removed himself off of the bed, walking past Jungkook. He made very sure to shoulder check him on the way by.

The young brunette clenched his jaw, face contorting distatefully at the gruesome stench wafted into his nostrils. But soon he was gone - well, not completely - and it was just Jungkook and his mother in the small confines of her poorly sized room.

"Come sit," his mother ordered in a drawl, patting the spot beside her.

Jungkook sighed heavily. He walked up to her, yet decided against sitting. His eyes caught glimpse of various different stains, prompting his skin to crawl.

He was not going to sit in someone's dried up semen.

"How have you been? How's the new home? I'm sure it's much better than this dump," she hummed, eyes falling closed. Evidently, the heroin was still coursing through her veins, poisoning her bit by bit.

Jungkook watched her intently. It seemed as though every time he saw her, she was that much closer to fading away.

"It's different," he settled with as he crossed his arms. He didn't love it, he didn't hate it. People and environment alike.

She pealed her eyes open, although not fully. Her gaze was hooded as she looked up at Jungkook, seemingly admiring her son. "You look better, my dear. How is your father?"

Jungkook sighed heavily, finger temporarily rubbing at his soft brow exhaustedly. "He's the same as he's always been. An ignorant asshole," he spat viciously toward the direction of his dad.

She smiled faintly, yet it quickly faded into a frown. "I suppose only some change can be good. But tell me, dear. Do you mean he's still having troubles accepting who you are?"

Jungkook bit down on his cheek, face turning away from his mother as he looked past the damaged blinds and out the window with a sour expression.

He then felt his mother's hand on his cheek, which he involuntarily sunk into. He melted in her warmth and comfort despite her body being cold and bony.

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