𝒀𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝑨𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑻𝒐𝒖𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒆 :: 22

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Jimin was definitely hesitant as he stood on Jason's doorstep, balled up fist hanging loosely in the air. His mind told him to knock, however his body had difficulties being compliant. He knew that it was probably a bad idea considering the circumstances, yet Jason had suffered through all of his pain and agony alone. He had nobody to talk to, and more importantly, he was the only one on his side because he was the only one aware of what happened to him. Jimin couldn't even begin to imagine what he'd do if someone had forced themselves onto him. And then he began to think about Jungkook and about how grateful he was for his patience. He shook his head, that wasn't the point of all of this.

Jason was his friend. They were still friends, right? He wasn't too sure at this point, but either way, his fist collided with the door and he waited stiffly with apprehension. Things between the two of them had been rocky the last time they'd interacted. Parties were thrown without discretion and trouble had been brewed. But that was awhile ago, and he was willing to move past it if it meant he could help Jason.

Suddenly, the door had swung open and there stood the boy in question. Considering his father was the principal, he was still at school in the meantime and so it wouldn't surprise Jimin if the two of them were alone.

"What do you want?" Jason asked curtly, causing Jimin to nibble on his lower lip. This was precisely how he expected it to go. Nothing but cold exchanges. Well, Jason was never really warm to begin with. He always had a chilly exterior toward the people he didn't favour.

"I was just wondering if you were okay?" Jimin asked reluctantly as he scratched at his nape, knowing all too well what the answer to that question would be.

"What would make you think I'm not okay?" Jason tested with a raised brow, the vein on his neck protruding.

Jimin took one small step back, alarmed due to how quickly his temper had boiled over. He ran his tongue over his lips. "It's just... Eric told me about, y'know," he muttered, trying to choose his words carefully. However the stress pressed onto him by Jason's unlit eyes made it extremely difficult.

"Eric doesn't know shit. He's a fucking faggot and so are you. Get off of my doorstep," Jason fumed with his fists balled up angrily, a fire exploding in his eyes. He had clearly already seen or at least heard the news. It really didn't take that long.

"It's not what you think. We were just talking. Nothing happened--" before Jimin could process what exactly had happened, he fell off of the steps and onto his back. A shrill whine left his mouth and he felt his eyes water.

"I told you to get off of my god damn doorstep!" Jason yelled once again as he stared down at Jimin, watching his once best friend tremble with fear.

Jimin sniffled, back of his hand rubbing at his cheeks. He stood up clumsily, wiping his bum off. With his vision still blurred, he stared up at Jason before saying quietly: "Text me if you ever need me." And then he pivoted on his heel, walking toward his car. He climbed into it, and turning to look at the door one last time, he wasn't surprised to find that it had already been closed. Well, at least he tried. Some people just weren't meant to be changed. Anyway, he started up his car and began to drive back home. He didn't see the point in going back for the rest of the day when school was nearly over.

He pulled into his driveway, and was shocked to find Jungkook standing on his doorstep with an angry look in his eyes. Jimin turned his car off, stepping out of it to immediately question him.

"Junkook, what are you doing on my doorstep? You know what will happen if my dad sees you. He's going to flip out," Jimin warned, yet it didn't even seem to matter as his arm had been gripped. Without any time to process just exactly what was going on, the ravenette had been pulled into Jungkook's home. He figured his dad was gone, otherwise this definitely wouldn't be happening.

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