𝑯𝒆'𝒔 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 :: 26

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It had been awhile since Jimin had seen Jungkook after him leaving home to reside with Hoseok for the time being. A feeling a jealousy and discomfort withstood in his chest and as much as he tried to push it away, it's presence remained heedlessly. Stirring in his bed, time for school approached and so he threw his legs over the bed, stretching his arms into the air with a large yawn. Desperate, he stood up to look out his window and into Jungkook's. He knew better, yet his face overcast with sadness upon being met with vacancy.

Suddenly, a small knock on his door echoed throughout his room. He beckoned with a small 'come in' and so his mother did just that, opening the door. She closed it quietly behind her and approached her son who sat back down on his bed, Miss Park mirroring his actions. She grabbed his hand in her own, staring down into her lap as she brushed his knuckles. Jimin could tell that she was sad, and trying to hide it. Her eyes were heavy with bags and swollen red. He would have went to comfort her last night if he had known she was suffering so severely. But she always kept her broken heart to herself.

"How did you figure it out?" Jimin asked softly as he stared at his mother, wanting nothing more than to heal all of her wounds if he possibly could. But damaged hearts are never easy to mend.

She looked up at him briefly, evidently surprised how blunt he was in his questioning. But she didn't mull it over considering he had every right to know seeing as he was her son.

"Honestly, I kind of had a hunch ever since he started coming up with excuses as to why he was always late to come home or working over hours. He never has enough time for me and the texts I saw on his phone only prove it. I guess he just fell out of love with me," his mother lamented and she pulled her hands away from Jimin's, wiping at her eyes. The ravenette felt his own heart break as a result of her dismal state and he couldn't help but feel himself tear up.

"Have you told him yet? That you know?" Jimin asked and his mother shook her head quickly, exhaling deeply.

"I don't want him to know. Because I'm afraid that if he does, he'll take everything away from us. And I can't let him do that to you," she explained quietly as she stared up at Jimin through glazed eyes.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked, diving into her depressed face. "Nobody works as hard as you do."

"I know, angel. I work hard but that doesn't mean the house belongs to me or the things inside of it. Yes, I have money. But that doesn't come close to the memories we've made in this house. I can't do that to you," she said and her bottom lip began to quiver once again.

Jimin sighed quietly, pulling her in for a strong embrace. He rubbed one of his small hands up and down her back tenderly, meanwhile the other thread through her long hair. He began to hum quietly as he rocked her back and forth.

"So what's gonna happen now?" he asked into her ear.

"Do what I've always been good at, angel. Pretend."


Despite Jimin's vehicle being fixed for awhile, he decided to walk to school this morning. He needed to clear his head and hoped that the timid breeze brushing this his hair and his clothes would be enough to do that.

With his hands stuffed into his pockets and gaze casted downward, he watched his sneakers as they kicked some stray rocks on the sidewalk. He couldn't help but dig himself into a hole of self hatred and self infliction as thoughts about his father clamored his already addled mind. He suspected long ago that his father was a cheater, yet he never brought it up because he just wasn't sure enough. But if his mom had heard the news from his son rather than a text, maybe things right now wouldn't be so bad. Key word being maybe. He'd never know how to deal with the pain of being cheated on. Just the thought of it made him bite back tears. His mother is a fighter.

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