𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 :: 06

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Monday for Jungkook was absolute hell. He knew there was no possible way he could keep his sexuality disclosed after loud mouth Eric and Jason heard what his father had said two nights ago.

Many distasteful glances were tossed his way, both girls and boys alike. But he was surprised that some of them actually approached him and tried to woo him. After all, being out of the closet in high school was probably the biggest fear most non heterosexual teenagers had. And the fact that he was unwillingly out made him an easy target for closeted gays.

He supposed that maybe it wasn't such a bad thing considering he wasn't ashamed of his sexuality. But the other part of him wished that he hadn't been exposed; simply because it came with plenty of unwanted attention. Like stated earlier. He just wanted to finish his final year in silence so he could leave his father and reside somewhere else to his liking. Preferably not in the city. Maybe the countryside where things were much more peaceful, and less boisterous.

"Hey! Faggot!"

Jungkook turned around, hating himself afterward immediately. Who would react to such a derogatory name?

"Hah, would you look at that. How does it feel knowing that the whole school hates you, Princess?" Jason mocked, arms crossed over his chest. He had this playful look in his eyes, yet Jungkook knew it was everything but innocent. Jason was having fun degrading him in front of the other students of the school. It was evident he felt some sort of pride in himself, being the center of attention.

And so Jungkook quirked a questioning brow, mirroring Jason's body language to ensure the bully that he wouldn't go down so easily. At least not without picking at him first.

"Did mommy and daddy not show you enough love when you were younger, Jason? Or does being a fucking asshole just come naturally?" Jungkook retorted, witnessing the slight twitch in Jason's eye, as well as how he stiffened.

Jungkook on the other hand was quite slack, knowing he managed to strike a pressure point and noting just exactly what caused him to taut. It felt like a small victory to him.

"You better watch your fucking mouth, Jeon, before I dislocate your jaw," Jason menaced, taking a few steps closer; yet only to be stopped by a teacher whom placed themselves in front of the hostile jock.

"No, you better watch your mouth, Jason. How many times do I have to tell you to leave the pent up anger for football? Not everything has to be faced with violence, and in fact, not everything can be solved that way."

Jason shrugged the teacher's hand off of his shoulder. "He started it first," he muttered under his breath with a bitter coating.

"And how so, Jason?"

"He's fucking gay!"

Mr. Kim let out a heavy sigh. He placed his hands onto his hips, tongue rolling over his top row of teeth in clear frustration. "I'm sending you both to the office. The principal will deal with this."

Jungkook didn't say a word. He simply took the outcome of his actions as was, marching to the principal's office. He wasn't one to be disobedient. But he just knew his father was going to hear about it regardless, and a far graver consequence would be waiting for him upon his arrival at home.

Jason wasn't quick to follow him, maybe arriving roughly five minutes after the teacher intervened. It caught his attention that the principal had the same last name as Jason did. Of course. Why would he show up late otherwise?

"Jason, please take a seat."

Jason shook his head. "I'm not sitting beside him. I'm sure you know why, father."

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