𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒒𝒖𝒊𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒊𝒕𝒆! :: 12

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"You want me to what?" Jungkook asked as he gawked at Jimin.

"Nuh-nevermind..." Jimin said softly. He was so embarrassed. Why would he say something like that? God, why would he ask a boy to kiss his neck of all people? He was as confused as could be, faced lowered to his lap until feeling a hand brush at his cheek.

"Jimin, why do you want me to kiss your neck?" Jungkook asked, yet he knew exactly why. He figured Jimin was questioning his sexuality. Even if not portrayed directly, it was suggested in the way he began to act around the brunette. They way he used to get so angry and couldn't form sentences without the word faggot. The way he stuttered and would get so flustered. He wanted Jungkook's lips on his body, and he never would have guessed.

"I duh-don't know. So if you aren't wuh-willing I'll just go to bed. It's late anyways and wuh-we have school tomorrow," the raventte stuttered as he stood from the couch; however, before he could get very far, Jungkook's fingers curled around his dainty wrist, pulling him back down onto the sofa with ease.

"I'll do it, Park. Just chill," Jungkook assured calmly as Jimin met his eyes, an amalgam of fear and shock flickering in his irises.


"Yes really, Park. But before I do, I just have one question. Do you give me permission to touch you? I need your consent. Not your feeble request," Jungkook explained adamantly. He wasn't shocked to be so compliant. Truth be told, he always had an itch to taste Jimin's sweetness, rather it be some sort of perfume, body wash or just his natural aroma.

Jimin sat still on the sofa, mulling Jungkook's question over in his head. "Nuh-no hands... just kiss my neck, please," he said. "I'll allow you to kiss my neck," he confirmed while blushing, playing with his fingers.

"Okay," Jungkook said. He couldn't help but feel that it would be awkward. With no place to put his hands, how would he be able to initiate his best abilities? And so he had one request.

"Lay back on the couch, okay?"

Jimin gaped. "Lay down? Why!"

Jungkook chuckled. "I can assure you the straight porn actors you watched were laying down when they did the do, right? Just trust me, Park. I know what I'm doing," he assured.

Jimin appeared conflicted to it all. But nevertheless, he laid himself down on the couch stiffly, appearing as awkward as ever. His arms were glued to his sides and his legs acted as one.

Jungkook was quick to shake his head and nestle his knee in between the boy's thighs, hands placed by the ravenette's head as he stared widely at Jungkook.

"Wuh-what are you doing?"

"Relax, Park. I won't touch you except for my lips. You don't have to be so stiff. This is going to feel good," Jungkook explained as he lowered his face down to Jimin's neck, the latter feeling the brunette's hot breaths fanning his skin. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"Yuh-yes," Jimin breathed out, hardly believing himself.

And it didn't take long before Jungkook's soft lips pressed against Jimin's neck. Nothing serious yet a simple peck before he pulled away, only for Jimin's hand to cup the brunette's nape.

"Muh-more, please," he requested softly, not able to deny the butterflies that he felt when Jungkook planted his soft lips to his neck.

"Are you sure?"

Jimin nodded his head eagerly.

Jungkook looked up to Jimin's face, finding it scrunched in pleasure when he'd barely even really touched him yet. And so he dove back in with a smirk, beginning to place open mouthed kisses along the expanse of his neck, feeling the boy shudder beneath his warm breaths and his teeth. His tongue, that soon made an appearance as it lapped at the small spots that Jungkook had created carelessly with his soft sucking.

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