𝑾𝒆'𝒓𝒆 𝑮𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 :: 28

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The next few days at home, Jimin found himself being more aware of his surroundings than usual. After Jungkook explained to him what happened, temporary anger subsided in his chest for Hoseok but it quickly subdued considering it was in the past. The most important thing on his mind currently were thoughts about how he was going to avoid his father. It wasn't a matter of 'if word got out', it was now a matter of 'word got out so watch your fucking back'.

Jimin currently sat at his computer desk, missing Jungkook's figure sitting behind the other window across from him. He missed being able to stare into his beautiful doe eyes and drown in them. More explicitly so, he missed feeling the brunette's fingertips on his skin. Missed being underneath him, enveloped by his warmth. These days he felt cold and lonely, especially considering the constant absence of his parents; which he ultimately didn't mind.

One thing he wanted to do for sure despite the fear it brought him was tell his mother about his sexuality. Better it be him than his father who broke the news. Mister Park had better things to break, such as a few bones and maybe a not-so-secret relationship.

Finishing up his school project, he clicked save and then closed his laptop shut. Hearing the front door open and then close, a great feeling of panic consumed him and he sensed his heart crescendo, daring to break free from his chest. Deciding to walk now using his tippy toes, he approached his bedroom door and cracked it open, seeing his father's figure trudging up the stairs. Biting back the need to squeal with fright, he clamped his hand over his mouth and pulled the door closed slowly. He scurried to his bed, pushing himself beneath it with his adrenaline pumping through his veins.

Watching with wide eyes, he heard his father call out to him yet he remained silent.

"Jimin, are you in your room?" he asked as he knocked twice, and then silence.

"Jimin, if you don't answer I'm going to walk in myself. Don't test my patience. I know you're home because your car is out front and your shoes are sitting by the door," he said and Jimin's eyes fell closed in distraught. Evidently there was no use in hiding anymore and so he climbed out from beneath his bed, standing up. He was reluctant as he approached his bedroom door, curling his fingers around the knob to pull it open softly.

His quivering gaze wandered up to his father's unamused expression and he began to backpedal as Mister Park advanced, closing the door behind him.

"W-what's going on?" Jimin asked with a nervous chuckle despite him knowing just exactly what the answer to his question was going to be. However that didn't stop him from hoping the complete opposite.

His father didn't say anything but roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt in silence, toying with the cloth material until it responded, compliant. As soon as he was done, he cleared his throat and stretched his arms outward for a second before placing his hands on his hips. And then he stared at his son.

Jimin felt his skin crawl, paralyzed in place thanks to his father's razor-sharp gaze. With his head hung low in submission, he looked up past his lashes as Mister Park walked closer toward him until they were two feet apart.

"Do you know what happens to boys who misbehave?" he questioned and Jimin nodded his head. He'd experienced it first hand and literally.

With the black haired boy being as backed up into the wall as humanly possible, he had no way to run from the heavy hand that came swinging down at full speed, slapping his cheek.

He yelped initially and then whimpered quietly, holding his face with his hand as he stared at the ground, stunned. He had been hit by his father before but it never stung this bad.

"So you're a faggot?" he degraded and Jimin lifted his head for a brief moment to look him in his eyes, only to be hit once again. This time he slid down the wall of his bedroom, feeling tears prick at his eyes. He recoiled, shielding his head with his arms as he curled up into a ball, sensing the anger radiate off of his father.

"What did I tell you? Why can't you bring a pretty girl home and focus on school? Why do you have to bring shame to the Park name by sleeping around with other boys?"

"I h-haven't," Jimin cried into his knees, biting down on one of them. His body rocked and trembled. "I'm sorry!"

"You're sorry? That's not gonna cut it, Jimin! You're not gay, you're straight! So act like it!" his father shouted so closely into Jimin's ear it was almost deafening.

The boy nodded his head clumsily in response, shaking. He moved his hands to his ears, waiting for the anger that draped him in the form of his father to subdue. The sound of the door slamming closed was what prompted him to jolt and he slowly looked up, finding that he was alone.


He crawled on his knees until he reached his side table, feeble fingers grasping for his phone. With his cheek still on fire, he pressed his contacts list and immediately hunted for his mother's number. As soon as he found it he scrambled to hit call and pressed the device to the side of his face. Ring after ring, his hope drained from his body.

But thankfully, a soft voice greeted him from the other end.


"M-mom. I'm scared," the ravenette whimpered as he pressed his back to one of his walls, curling his legs up to his chest. He watched the door closely, afraid that his father may bust in at any second.

"Jimin, what happened?"

"F-father came back from work today an-and he's angry at me and I'm scared to leave my room," he replied and bit down hard on his bottom lip, trying to keep his tears back.

"Baby, why is he mad? Did he hit you? Don't tell me he hit you."

"I know you're at work but please come home. I need you right now," Jimin sniffled, holding the phone tighter in his grip and closer to his face as though that would make her presence prosper.

"I'm on my way, love. Just sit tight, okay? I'll be there soon."

"Okay," Jimin said quietly and the phone went dead. He held it to his chest, taking slow breaths in and out in an attempt to tame his breathing.

He had been exactly like that, with the same posture and breathing routine until he heard the front door open and close swiftly. However a dead silence fell afterward, and then shouting followed. Both his mother and his father's voices could be heard assaulting one another downstairs and he felt tears sting at his eyes. Once again, he shelled his ears with his hands and screwed his eyes shut, wishing so desperately that this was all just some nightmare that he could wake from. Not one that he had to endure.

Without warning, the door had swung open and Jimin's mother approached her boy sitting crestfallen on his floor. Her own cheek was red and her eyes were glossed over.

"Mom?" Jimin croaked.

"Come on, love. We're getting out of here," she said and lovingly helped him onto his feet, holding him close to her side as they began to walk out of the brunette's bedroom.

"Where do you two think you're going?" Mister Park questioned as he towered over the bedroom exit with his hands on his hips, scowling.

"We're getting the hell out of here, you cheating pig. If you ever touch me or my son again I'll castrate you," she warned and pushed past the mortified look on his face as both her and Jimin scurried down the stairs.

"Where will you go, huh? Your money is my money!" he yelled after them however they ignored his words. Jimin eagerly slipped his shoes on and rather than Miss Park hopping into her own car, they hopped into Jimin's.

"Where are we going?" Jimin voiced quietly as his mother reversed out of the driveway.

"We're going to stay with my dad for now until we figure something out, okay?" she said and it was evident in the way she was trying to hold her tears at bay.

Jimin just nodded his head, sinking into his seat. Yet he continued to stare at his mother, pulling her free hand into his own as she drove.

I have to tell her soon, he thought to himself.

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