Chapter 12

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“What?” Ella asked confused while I stood in front of her crying my eyes out. 

“Lucifer went back…” I said but she cut me off with a hug.

    “Come inside. It’s cold out.” She said as she pulled me inside. She led me over to her couch and she motioned for me to sit. I sat and she went to grab a box of tissues. 

    “The only way for me to understand this is to explain all of it to me.” Ella said.

“I really don’t want too right now, Ella.” I said grabbing a tissue. 

    “I know but you have to try.” She said grabbing a blanket and handing it to me.

“To understand everything, you have to know about me.” I said wiping the tears away from my eyes. “You know that Lucifer is the devil and you know that the devil is immortal.” I told her and she shook her head yes. “Well, he is immortal unless I’m around and his desire trick doesn't work on me because God blessed my mother with a child and ultimately put me in Lucifer’s path.” 

    “So you were made to fall in love with him?” Ella asked confused.

“Not exactly. I was made to be put in his path, I chose to stick around and I chose to fall in love with him.” I told her my tears starting to escape my eyes once again. 

 “Okay I gotcha. Keep going.” She said handing me a box of tissues. I grabbed a tissue and wiped my eyes.

    “So you know Amendiel right?” I asked her.

    “Angel.” She said.

“Yep, you're catching on quick." I said and she giggled, which made me laugh. "So that makes baby Charlie half human half angel." I said and she nodded. "So when I first found out that Lucifer was the devil I reacted how you would expect me to." 

    "You ran off to Europe on vacation." Ella said. 

I smiled and said, "There you go. So I went to Europe with my child and met Father Frank who convinced me that this guy that I had fallen in love with was something monstrous. He had this prophecy which read: When the devil walks the earth and finds his first love evil shall be set free. So he convinced me to go back home and help him send Lucifer back to hell. So I went back home and acted like everything was okay but it really wasn’t.” I said.

    “What happened? You chickened out.” She said confused.

“No I realized that my partner wasn’t the man that Father Frank was describing, he was quite the opposite.” I said which made Ella smile. “Sure Lucifer was the devil, I saw his face but to me the guy I fell in love with wasn’t this monster who killed humans just because they wanted to. The guy that stood by my side everyday was charming, thoughtful, funny, and so much more. So I decided not to send him back to hell. You with me.” I said.

    “I think so. Wait, Maze?” She asked. 

“Demon.” I said and Ella got scared. “Back to the story, so then Eve showed up. My mind immediately went to this was his first love so the prophecy must be right so I convinced Lucifer to dump her by telling him about the prophecy. All of this was going on when I was trying to figure out how I felt.” I told her as she got up from the couch.

    “Keep going, I’m just going to get us water.” She said.

“Do you remember when we had that case where dead people were being seen around town?” I said.

    “Let me guess demons.” She said while walking back to the couch with two glasses of water. I nodded and she handed me a glass. I took a sip as Ella said, “So you got the prophecy wrong.”

    “I’m getting there.” I said and Ella though her hands up and we both giggled. “So the demons wanted their King to return back to Hell but Lucifer’s home is here. So instead of Lucifer they stole baby Charlie to train him to be their new King.” 

    “But Lucifer wasn’t having any of that.” Ella said and I nodded.

“So we defeated the demons and I ended up telling Lucifer that I wasn’t afraid of him, that I was afraid of losing him and what we had.” I said.

    “Aww, that made my heart melt.” Ella said which made me smile.

“Then he told me that he had to go back to protect me because we might have defeated them now but they will come back. So then I told him I loved him and he couldn’t go. Then he told me that we did get one thing wrong about the prophecy, I was his first love not Eve. Then he kissed me and left me standing on his balcony crying.” I said starting to tear up again.

    “That makes sense for the couple weeks that you weren’t yourself and all the missed calls.” She said sitting her glass on the coffee table. 

    “Then he came back and you know the rest.” I said.

“Except for the part on why he had to leave the woman he loves who is also pregnant with his child and go back to hell.” Ella said.

    “A demon escaped Hell and has been following me because it wants to kill me.” I told her.

    “Chloe.. What the hell?” Ella said.

“I know. It’s getting late I think I should head home.” I said standing up.

    “Stay, a demon is after you. We girls have to stick together right.” She said with a big smile on her face. 

    “Alright, Trixie is with Dan tonight.” I said.

She stood up, “Okay, I have a guest room right next to my room that you can stay in.” 

    “Thank you, Ella.” I said smiling.

“Anything for you, Chloe.” She said.

    I woke up to a crashing sound. I immediately grabbed my gun on the nightstand and went towards the door. I slowly opened it to find Ella in the exact same manner as me. 

    “What the hell? I thought it was you.” She said looking scared.

“Stay here. I’ll go downstairs.” I said and she nodded. I slowly went down the stairs and towards the kitchen. There was a pan on the floor and I slowly walked towards it. I bent over next to it and then everything went black.

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