Mars in Leo - Her Battlefield Majesty

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The flame throwing energies of Mars may find it hard to move freely in Fixed Leo. But the potion concocted with twin fiery themes create a boisterous wildfire, larger than life impulse of energy, and a force so blinding it ignites its own spotlight. People born with Mars in Leo experience erratic mood fluctuations, periods of intense euphoria followed by bouts of Alice in Wonderland tears, and unsteady internal conditions. The amount of energy resides in the inflammation of emotion and the heart muscle. It is through larger than life emotional experiences, explosions of energy, and inner battles that Mars in Leo people direct into creativity, sexual and romantic pursuits, charging toward magnificent personal ambition, and leaving a memorable imprint on her surroundings. Her sword is held like a trophy and she is ready to hurtle recklessly into threatening pursuit to soothe the storm in her chest. Her energy is dispensed through the beat of her heart. The battle is for love, romantic love, and true self love.

Mars in Leo personalities are fiercely protective. The individual will likely be hysterically alarmed about issues where injustice against the vulnerable, innocent, animal abuse, and or child maltreatment has occurred. Think of the King Lion who ferociously guards the baby cubs, even if this means sacrificing himself. She fuses an open heart generosity with a ravenous need for approval and adoration. Maybe she out pours emotions dramatically, even inappropriately, to seal the need to have those people around her understand the intensity of her mood. Mars in Leo individuals are sparkling, enthusiastic and insatiable in love. There is a combination of the heart’s intense energies infused with the aggressive defender of the battlefield. There may be swings of high grandiose egotism coupled with extreme hyperactive spirits then bouts of self contempt, embarrassment and shame. The individual can be highly reactive and sensitive response to criticism and humiliation. She may be demanding sexually and take a lot of pride in her partners satisfaction. There is a wildness in her seduction and a fire cracker magic in her madness. Difficulty submitting to authoritarian or oppressive forces can characterise Mars in Leo. Many nurture the inner child into old age. This both reinforces and ignites the individual’s mutual attraction with children and guardianship.

Mars in Leo people illuminate a glowing presence in the face of company. The fire of Mars annexing with the flame of the Sun light the eyes like solar sun bursts and the radiation through their pores can be rarely missed. Mars in Leo individuals will dominating and impassioned romantically. There is a need to bellow feelings of love to the world. The individual responds melodramatically to perceived betrayal or abandonment, and may resort to extremes to attenuate the need for attention. A Mars in Leo placement indicates a volatile temperament, an aggressive fighter of injustice, extravagant generosity and states of vicious rage. Destructive patterns can emerge when Mars combat is channel the combat through Leo’s ego, rather than heart. She has to win the battle inside before fighting on behalf of something bigger. Mars in Leo people shine the sun on the battlefield, and she is brilliantly confident, amorous, gracious, fierce, explosive and exuberant. She is the Queen who knows how to rule with command and grace. When she is in love, the whole world knows about it, because her heart roars and her spirit spindles flames into gold.

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