Sagittarius & Following Freedom

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The Sagittarius is governed by the law of freedom. The individual has a profound urgency to wander at will and leave at a moment’s notice. The Sagittarius hunter with an arrow pointed toward the sky illustrates the individual’s constant movement that incessantly searches physically, mentally, and spiritually. The illusion of freedom must be present in even their deepest passions and commitment. Micromanaging, constraining, or regulating a Sagittarius commonly results in claustrophobic feelings, frustration, and temperamental outbursts. The Sagittarius will guard their freedom to the end of the earth, their self fulfilling prophecy guiding the way through life like a cosmic map. The Sagittarius is a wild heart who needs to roam with the winds and sails in the heavens. Locking her inside is like a peacock in a cage.
The Sagittarius nature welcomes change with excitement and opportunity. The curiosity of the child never dulls in Sagittarius, they have wide eyes for the world, and they desperately seek answers. Their spirit longs to command the altar of God by traveling far and wide and applying experience to knowledge. The mind must be as fluid as the body and left to wander, sometimes deliriously, into the endless question of existence. The eternal voyage of wisdom and learning is nourished by travel, conversation, fresh and enriching cultural experiences, and integrating the various insights they accumulate on their journeys. Gemini and the 3rd house is the duality of Sagittarius and represents early education and formative study years. As we move across to Sagittarius and the 9th house into higher education we are given freedom to choose our course of study.

The need for freedom in Sagittarius can reflect through their lack of commitment or predictability. Suppression and control can feel like hypoxia to Sagittarius, a true deprivation of life and energy. Possessive relationships can dim the Sagittarius flame. They may prefer to live separately and resist scrutiny or probing. There is a part of the Sagittarius nature that needs to remain sweetly solitary in their search, following the navigation of fortune, fate, and intuition. They are commonly restless when forced to sit or rest for long periods. And they question the legitimacy of rules and expectations. Their guiding motivation is the infusion of human experience with meaning and vision. This is directly tied to their independence. Without the opportunity of freedom to wander, the Sagittarian soul is tired, ill at ease and discontent.

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