Pisces - Deliverance from Darkness

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Even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.’- Psalm 139: 12"

Pisces is remarked upon for their duality and multiplicity, and they rarely show you the complete picture behind the scenes. There is another intriguing dynamic to this sign. One of the historic Pisces and 12th house angelic archetypes is Pasiel -   the angel of Hell (Arka). The routes Pisces can take to seek reprieve and to escape their anguish only provides instant gratification. Eventually, they become re-captured by an emotional pain even worse than before. Everything the Pisces once tried to evade only returns with increasing vengeance, and this is the demon appearing in the form of an angel.

Another component of this is the ‘unknown’ aspect that can only be seen with eyes of high awareness. Ignorance of the activity below the surface in Pisces is bliss to most people who are just unready. Pisces is ready, but often unwilling. The spiritual service is the path of healing the souls contaminated by earth, and this encompasses those society would prefer to exclude, the imprisoned, the addicted, the lost. The Pisces can only adhere to this calling when they come to acknowledge- and not exclude their own carnal, contemptuous, and resentful qualities. This is the lower part that exists within them, and everyone. Pisces  experiences this light and shadow on material plane, and they must - or else they would cease to manifest in this dimension at all. When the Pisces is whole, they can recognise and accept the same in other people. From this place, they exclude nobody from their healing touch, and most importantly they do not deny themselves their own

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