never look back

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Riley's POV
I could see her looking down at the water we used to skip rocks in.
"Maya!" I screamed. She looked back and opened her arms and held her head high yelling, "I wish you could understand." And jumping.
"Oh no you don't!" I said grabbing her leg. She was upside down.
Mayas POV
"You don't understand riley!" I yelled.
Why did she save me?
"You think I don't understand my best friend?! Maya, I love you!" Riley meant every word.
Lucas POV
I had to save maya, shes a total babe.
I tapped Riley's shoulder say "I'm sorry." And helped Maya up.
Maya POV
I love her so much.
"Thank you both...I'm sorry I didn't tell you riley..." I said with a frown. I started to cry into her shoulder when I felt a tug on my arm pulling me an riley back. Its-

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