its not okay when its okay

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Riley's POV
Before we went to Maya's, we had to get the key. We went to the diner her mom worked at and she gave it to us and hugged Maya until she cried.
"Don't you forget about me baby," her mom pinched her cheeks and whipped her tears away. "This is fo-r...for the best." she looked away, pushing her to me. We fell and I heard a big bang and I laughed but Maya didn't laugh with me.
"I'm so sorry Maya and riley!" her mom ran towards us. She grabbed my hands and pulled me up and I grabbed Maya's and she pulled me down.
"Ouch!" i said. My knew skinned onto the hard ground and I turned Maya on her side since she was on her stomach.
"Maya?" i asked. She wasn't answering me. Her eyes were closed and her heard was beating slow.
"MAYA!" I yelled. Everyone was looking at me weirdly and I didn't care.
"What's wrong riley?" mrs.hart asked.
"SHES KNOCKED OUT BECAUSE OF YOU!" I pointed at her and my parents walked in.
"Maya! Riley!" my mom yelled. "Riley! Your bleeding!" but I didn't care.
"Call 911, mommy!" I cried and it sounded like I was choking. My dad pulled me away and put her on back.
"How is she?" one of the guys asked.
"Stable," my dad answered. "But she's breathing slow."
"Please," I put my hand on the gurney where Maya was on. "Can I come?"
"Family or friend?" he asked.
"Family!" Maya's mom said running to maya.
"You don't own her anymore," mom said. He stopped her and tooled at the man and said, "We're her family."
and i left with Maya onto the ambulance.

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