Chapter 17: Is This a Good Idea?

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I do not own any of the characters in Teen Wolf such as Derek,Scott, Peter, Laura, Stiles, Allison, etc, and I do not own Alex Pettyfer, but at the moment the only one I do own is Jessie Bishop she is someone I made up myself. I do not own the tv show Teen Wolf I also do not own MTV.

  The picture at the top is shall meet him soon...also please read authors note plleaassee

                          CHAPTER 17: IS THIS A GOOD IDEA?

Jade's pov

I listened to Scott and Stiles talk to each other outside the room as I sat on the floor with my knees up to my chest. I told them what Derek and I got in a fight about and now they are talking at first, Scott wanted to find Derek and beat the shit out of him, but then I told him of what I said and kinda saying that I started it and then he calmed down, thankfully.

They knew that this fight wasn't just 'a fight' it was more important than that and I knew that if I didn't of started the fight then the alpha would've killed Derek just to get to me. And now my life was no longer filled with worrying about what my track time was? Or if I would get a date to prom? Or about getting good grades? 

It was now filled with being afraid every second of my life knowing that the alpha is waiting to get me. I knew that one day I would get killed by the alpha or I would be turned by the alpha. Or my last option was to leave Beacon Hills. Leave everyone and everything without a trace behind me. I would be protecting myself yet at the same time I would be protecting the ones who I love. I wanted all this to go away I never wanted to get involved with the supernatural, but then that meant I wouldn't have of met Derek and I don't know what I would do without him. 

But here I was now. No Derek. I don't know if he still is mad, which he probably is. I don't know if he will ever forgive me. Yes, we were mates, but no. What I did and what I said was unforgivable. And what Derek said I have no idea if that was true and if that was what he really did think of me? 

I then saw from the corner of my eye see Scott and Stiles walk in. Scott was rubbing the back of his neck with his hands and Stiles had both of his hands in his pockets. I didn't turn to look at them I didn't want to look at them. I didn't want to face the world I was and am a coward. 

Stiles slid down next to me and Scott on the other side of me and then it happened as if I was holding it all in. I slowly started sniffling and then I felt a tear run down my cheek. Stiles then wrapped an arm around me and whispered into my ear "It's okay to cry." And then it started I cried and cried. I liked crying it gave me time to let out all of my stress and pain and fear....which was a lot for me.

Stiles' pov (I wanted to change it up a bit)

I had wrapped my arm around Jessie and whispered to her that it was okay to cry and she cried. It broke my heart to see Jessie like this. She was just like me at one point unknowing of the supernatural and had a normal life. Only stressing about little things like I used to do. Jessie reminded of me in ways other than human. She lost her mom just like me and before moving to Beacon Hills had a good life. 

But now as I look at her she is broken. And it was as if her life was a mirror and then it cracked and it fell to the grounds in shards. And back to her and Derek, Scott and I have no idea of how and why Jessie did start the fight with him.

We both thought it was from holding back everything and it kept building and building and then just like that she couldn't handle it anymore. I continued to stroke Jessie's hair as she cried into my chest. There was nothing more I could do for her except to let her take her time to heal. That night she wanted to be left alone and so we did as she asked. Scott left later that night to go back home and for my dad he was working another late shift so there was nothing to do. 

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