Chapter 6: The Truth

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  I do not own any of the characters in Teen Wolf such as Derek,Scott, Peter, Laura, Stiles, Allison, etc, but at the moment my only one I do own is Jessie Bishop she is someone I made up myself. I do not own the tv show Teen Wolf I also do not own MTV.

                                  CHAPTER 6: THE TRUTH

Jessie's pov

"What are you talking about, Scott?" I asked him "As I said it's about Derek you need to know the truth." I titled my head to the side and spoke "What is it?" "Jessie, he is cabable of killing you and if he gets mad while he is around you he will kill you ever since..." "Ever since what and Derek wouldn't do that. He would never do that to me!" I said with anger in my voice "Well let me guess Jessie...has he ever told you about his family? How about of what he did to his own sister" Scott said while coming closer to me "Has he told you about Kate?" He whispered into my ear "Or what about the....alpha? How he is putting your life in danger with you being with him..he cannot protect you we don't know why, but he is becoming weaker." He spoke still into my ear. I sat down and put my head into my hands.

"Do you want to know?" He asked I looked up to him and I nodded my head "Well let's start with Kate Argent, Allison's aunt. Kate is a werewof hunter and Derek was dating her and he had no idea about her. All he thought she was, was a girl who cared about him and he truly cared about her to he would take a bullet for her. Then a day came and Derek and Laura, his sister were at school and the rest of his family was inside their home his mom, dad, cousins, sister, all his family. Not all his family in his families house was werewolfs some of them were humans...harmless humans and werewolfs that never spilled any human blood and having that kind of strenght takes a lot of to not kill or hurt anyone. Just like the color of a werewolfs you have never spilled human blood..and what color are Derek's eyes?" He asked with a sarcastic tone. I looked up and said "Blue, I'm guessing that means-" "Yeah, Jessie he spilt human blood. Do you want to know who it was...?" "Kate?" "No...Paige his highschool sweet heart...his first love"

I shook my head "No he wouldn't kill an innocent person! He is not like that!?" "But yes he is Jessie and he will take you and kill you just like Paige!" I just walked away and I heard him say "Don't you want to hear the rest of the story? About how Kate killed his famiily in a fire?!" I turned around and walked to him and sat back down knowing I had to get some answers, but I knew I also wanted them from Derek his side of it at least.  "Good, Jessie now as I was saying Derek and Laura were at school and while they were there, Kate came to their house burned down their house not caring of who were in their or what was in their. And after that moment he was like a trigger, but it has gotten better since then, but you know in relationships they always get into a fight and a fight with Derek once the yelling starts he will hurt you and then you could end up dead." 

I sat on the bleachers in silence and the bell rang and Scott looked at me "Remember that every werewolf is like a trigger ready to be pulled any second just like me." He growled and walked off to the school doors "Scott wait! What about his sister?!" He didn't even turn around he just kept on walking I hurried inside after Scott. I slammed into the doors and looked around, but no Scott. I let it go and knew that it wasn't my business and I knew that Derek wouldn't hurt me in anyway, but I knew that I wanted to know about the one thing that kept on clicking in the back of my head...the alpha. 

After classes it was lunch and I got my food and looked around to see no table open, so I sat at an empty table in the corner. I ate my pizza for a while and then I was soon done and I looked up to see I still had 45 mins 'shit did I really eat that fast?!' (lunch is about a hour) I looked in my bag and pulled out one of my favorite book and I propped my feet up and looked at the cover of the book it read The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I then put my earbuds in and I sat back in the chair and started to read it was about 25 mins till class started and I felt around me get darker I looked up to see a girl with long brown hair and with some awesome clothes I had to admit.

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