Ch.5 Cave☆

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A/N: sorry for not uploading, but I finally got my lazy butt off of my bed and worked on a new chapter...enjoy(°°)ALSO SORRY IF THERE IS ANY SPELLING MISTAKES

Damn....why did I agree to become an apprentice again? I was fanning myself. The summer heat making me tired. I was near the brink of dying from a heat stroke. My foot was already healed to the point I could stand again. Izuku was currently carrying a bunch of garbage. The salty smell of the beach keeping me awake.

He needs to be physically prepared for One for All. I would occasionally intervene and give Izuku a break. I was basically the water girl. I sat on a rock nearby and looked at the two. My dad looking strong compared to Izuku."Y/N, COME OVER HERE. THIS IS TECHNICALLY PART OF YOUR TRAINING!" He yelled.

"dad...I NEED SLEEP!" I answered. I stretched and walked towards them. I looked at Mochi-cheeks. He looked like he was gonna die of hyperthermia. I guess I was too busy admiring the scenery. I forgot to give him a break. "Here's some water," I said calmly.

He looked at me briefly while breathing heavily. I unscrew the cap and placed it in his hand. He downed the bottle as I wiped away his excess sweat. I should be getting paid for this. "When are we going to stop for the day?" I asked. Now getting my dads attention as he looked at the horizon.

"In half an hour or so," he answered. I nodded my head and looked at a small hill of rocks. This beach peeks my interest. Last time I got to explore something interesting, was when I met Izuku. I faced my back towards them and walked up to the hill.

IN THE MEANTIME KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK, MOCHI-CHEEKS!" I yelled out. They waved as I walked the opposite direction from the two.

I placed my hands on the smooth wet rock and felt excited. I pushed myself up as I began to climb the small hill. My hands getting some debris from the rock and water. I balanced myself and looked at my surroundings. I had a clear view. To my left was just plain old water and to my right was this rocky cave.

I slid down the rocky hill and strolled over to the cave. I wiped off my hands on my shorts. That'll leave a mark. I walk up to the cave and only saw darkness. My heart beginning to beat as I thought about the possible outcomes. The cave itself was huge and was pretty far from the guys.

I whipped out my Sailor Moon flashlight and threw a pebble inside the cave. I waited for any sign of movement. The coast seemed to be clear so I walked in. I flicked on the flashlight and was amazed at the sight. Deep inside was some sparkling rocks and they glowed when the light had touched it.

I grabbed a piece and shoved it into my pocket. The rock full of moisture as it made my pockets soiled. I pushed the hair falling from my face behind my ears. This is place is beautiful. I heard the sound of footsteps as they echoed throughout the cave. Crap. I searched for any place to hide and decided to hide behind the glowing stones.

The footsteps became louder and more clearer.  Then they suddenly stop. "I know someone's in here...come out" they grumble. I held my breath and felt my skin become numb. My body temperature feeling cold as I stayed still. My crouched position feeling uncomfortable. I moved my hand towards the floor to sit down until I hit my flashlight. Thats when the Sailor Moon theme song played.


I mentally facepalmed and sat there in fear. I'll become one of the many people to go missing. The footsteps then made their way towards my hiding spot. I grabbed the rock from my pockets and held it tightly. I jab them if they attempt to attack me. Someone's hand reached over. I stood up and quickly grabbed their arm.

I brought my hand up and looked down at the person. Their body feeling bigger than mine. I saw blonde spikes as their hair. I slowly lower my arm and took a step back. Is it him? I took a step back and looked at the male. We stayed there in silence, staring at each other.
"IT WAS YOU!" we both yell.

We went up to each other's eye level. We glared and squinted our eyes trying to show dominance. He took a brief step back and sat on a rock. "I DIDNT EXPECT TO FIND DEKUS GIRLFRIEND IN THIS CAVE!" He said roughly in an almost mocking tone. I crouched down to his level and flicked his nose.I then neared his face and flicked his nose.

"IM NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND, ASSHOLE!" I explained slowly. He looked irritated and looked at the Sailor Moon flash light. He scoffed and showed me his pearly whites. "You still watch that show, it's for kids," he mocked. I ignored him and walked up to the flashlight.

I picked it up and placed it inside my sweater pocket. Without looking back I made my way towards the exit. It's best to ignore him. I sigh and soon felt a stinging pain at the back of my head. I rubbed the area and quickly turned around. I gave him the harshest glare and stared at him. "THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR BITCH!" I spat out.

He laughed and picked up another one. He threw it towards my face. I quickly caught it and threw it straight at his forehead. "HOW YOU LIKE IT NOW!" I shouted. He trubbed his forehead and hissed in pain. "OW,YOU THROW LIKE A GIRL!" He argued. smiling in victory I strutted my way out of the cave.

The sun was already setting and it looked perfect. Stupid hedgehog. I strolled up the rock hill and pushed myself up. I brought my foot forward on a higher rock. I pulled my lower one but felt it getting held back. Why cant I bring my leg upwards. I looked down at my leg and see a hand. My eyes tracked from the hand to their face.

"What are you doing?" I growled. He stayed silent. A couple seconds had gone by as I tried to yank my foot out. "Let me go!" I demanded. He tightened his grip and stared into my eyes. His eyes showing pain and longing but also sadness. I stopped for a few seconds and stared back. I quickly yanked and set myself free.

I climbed up quickly and refused to look back. He's probably chasing me. I rush towards Mochi-Cheeks and wrap my arms around him. He held me and nervously pat my head. "What's wrong?" He asked. I faked a smile and regained my breath. "I thought you guys were leaving me," I said smoothly.

My lie seeming like a truth that even I wanted to believe it. He asked where I was and I had simply told him there was nothing worth exploring. "If you're wondering where your dad is. He's already at the house," he explained. I nodded my head and looked back at the rocky hill.

"So you guy's finished a little bit earlier," I said calmly. "Yeah, I stayed back, so I can walk home with you," he finished. I grabbed Izuku's hand and walked back home. Hand in hand like when we first met.

Izuku then realized the same thing. Y/N then repeated the same words that very day "What's your name, Mochi-cheeks?" the girl asked. Izuku blushed and re-enacted his same words. "I'm Izuku Midoriya," he uttered softly. "Izuku, I have a feeling we're going to be best friends, forever!" She exclaimed. He stared straight ahead feeling an aching pain in his heart. Realizing he's not supposed to like Y/N. "You really think so?" He asked. Mainly questioning if they were to stay as "just friends" He already knew her next reply and waited for rejection. "Izuku, I know so," she finished. Izuku desperately pushed his feelings aside. He gave her a smile and continued their walk home.

Little did they know, but a certain hedgehog was witnessing the scene. He raged at the sight but deep down in his heart. He felt sorrow at the thought of losing his childhood friend Y/N.
A/N: How was the chapter sorry not a lot happened but next chapter we'll see Bakugous perspective thank u and plz vote ╹◡╹)♡

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