Ch45 Misconstrue

306 23 22

Definition: interpret (something, especially a person's words or actions) wrongly

A/N: thank you for reading my chicks~ also thank you for voting it really makes me happy knowing people like this book. Okay imma stop talking and let you continue reading this book, sry! IF THERE IS ANY SPELLING MISTAKES!
Darkness...water....and silence, I guess my life has really changed. I don't know how long I've been in this black room. The floor covered with only a inch of water. I laid down on the cool water and felt myself getting colder. No one was in the room except for me. No doors to exit out of this room and no windows to look out of.  I've been in here for a couple of days probably weeks. Last thing I remember was getting knocked out, I wonder what my family thinks about this situation.

"Oliver it looks like we're here!" I unbuckled his seat belt and pulled him out of his seat. "Y/N try not to think so much, the teachers said it's alright if your having trouble"

I held Oliver and looked over towards Dad. Hmm...Dad...doesn't sound so bad now that I'm saying it. "Don't worry about me I can handle's just school Dad" I ran towards the entrance and looked back at him.

He made a silly face and waved his hand. I turned my back at him and walked through the halls. "Mommy this school looks kind of scary" he tightened his grip on my neck and I patted his back.

"It's alright Oliver! Mommy is here okay" he nodded his head and I ruffled his hair. "Do you want to walk now?" He shook his head and I tightened my grip on him.

"Okay Oliver were a little bit late so I'm going to run the rest of the way" I placed him down and I kneeled down on the floor. I felt his arms and legs wrap around my back. Okay I've never done a piggy back ride before so this is new.

"Hold on tight" he messed with my hair and tightened his grip. "Ready!" I stood up and took in a breathe. "Preparing for take off!" Oliver had shouted. "Shhh~" I looked at him and he nodded his head. "5...4...3...2...1"

I then then ran and bounced up and down after every step I took. The small child on my back giggling and looking side to side frantically. I was running out of breathe but I continued the run. A couple of students gave us some looks and I smiled back at them.

Their just jealous cause we're having fun! I've never felt this happy before... "we're almost there!" I turned through corners and finally slowed down to a complete stop. I kneeled down and felt him jump off of my back.

I stood up and grabbed his hand. "Do you still want me to carry you?" He shook his head and stared at the door. 1A its a pretty intimidating door... "I'm not scared mommy...because your with me"

I opened the door and poked my head in. STARES!...too much eyes...need to hide! I closed the door and began to freak out. "Oliver I'm too scared what if they look at me weirdly"

Oliver grabbed my hand and slightly shook it. "Mommy, you have me! So there is nothing to be scared of.." I looked at the door and slowly nodded my head. I walked towards the door and opened it slowly.

I mean of course I'm going to get stared at...IM NOT EVEN WEARING A UNIFORM!  The teacher looked like he was in some type of...cacoon? "Y/N it's nice to hve you back" I nodded my head and looked at the class.

"I'm hello everyone...I'm Y/N L/N, I hope we can all be friends" I nervously messed with my overalls and looked towards the door. "Umm is it alright if I bring in my...friend" The teacher walked towards me and nodded his head.

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