Ch.6 Katsuki☆

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A/N: I'm just here to say enjoy the chapter ❤️
FLASHBACK: Y/N's childhood
       I was walking on top of this brick wall wondering, what if I were to follow it to the end. It was pretty stupid and was just something I was always interested in. I continued to balance on the pretty high wall.

I slowly walked towards a brick. I hadn't noticed it was loose. I looked around the neighborhood the view making me breathless. I stepped forward onto the loose brick. My eyes shorting down as my balance began to waver.

Soon my vision was staring up at the sky, as I fell down to my doom. Wow, I guess I'm never going to find out what's on the other end. I closed my eyes and waited for the contact of the hard floor scraping or touching my skin.

Instead I felt the warmth of someone grabbing me. The person let out a, "Umph." They fell onto their bottom. with me still in their arms shielding me from making contact to the floor. Am I alive? I stayed still in their arms and heard their heart beating quickly.

"Are you alright?" a soft, kind voice had broken the silence. I looked up to see a boy,
who looked to be around my age. His hair was ash blonde and he had crimson red eyes that would definitely cause heads to turn. His hair looks spiky would it hurt if I were to touch it?

"Are you alright, can you talk what's yo-," I interrupted his questions and instead placed my small hand on top of his hair. "Your hair is really soft," I said amazed. I looked into his eyes and he had blush dusted across his face. What a peculiar boy.

I looked down at our position. He was on the ground sitting while I was in a hugging position sitting on his legs. "Why wouldn't it be soft?" he said shyly. He scratched the back of his neck and looked away. He then told me to get up so he can stand.

"Thank you for catching me, I'm Y/N," I bowed and looked up at the brick wall. It's amazing how fate can change a person's life. He poked my shoulder and reached out his hand. "I'm Katsuki Bakugou," he said calmly. I looked down at his palm and shook his hand.

I looked down at my dirtied pants and dusted myself off. "Hey Y/N, do you want to play with me?" He asked. I looked at him and grasped his hands in mine. I placed them towards my chest. "OF COURSE!" I exclaimed. I have never made any friends before, they would always run away or say I was weird, can he really be my friend.

We both walked to the playground. Soon Bakugou and I were playing nonstop on the swing set and the slide. It was dusk as the sun began to set. I wanted to ask Bakugou an important question. "Let's relax for a while," I suggested.

He nodded his head and laid on the cool grass. I sat beside him and got into a comfortable laying position. We stayed silent and admired the clouds."Bakugou are-," I was cut off, "Y/N, you can call me by my first name you know," he said sweetly.

I've never called someone by their first name before. "Ok,Katsuki," I said smoothly. By now it was too dark to see his facial expression. "I've been meaning to ask you something, are we friends?" My voice shaking.

I twiddled with my fingers as I waited for a response. "Well yeah, I mean I said you can call me by my first name didn't I," I nodded my head as he continued. "I believe thats more than enough of an answer," he finished.

I then bursted with joy and quickly stood up. "Can we be best friends?" My voice much more confident. I heard rustling and something warm grabbed onto my hand. "Sure."
Two weeks later
       I was waiting outside for Katsuki, like usual. My eyes scanning the kids across the street. They were playing on the sidewalk. Their laughter catching my attention. They were using the new quirks they had developed. It seemed nice. I wish I could have a quirk.

The orphanage had brought over a doctor to examine kids. They said it was mandatory. "Miss Sal, I have question," I said softly. The young women looked down at me. "What is it Y/n," her tone sounding sweet as usual. "Why are they doctors here?"

She placed her hands on my shoulders and walked me over to the bed. "They are checking if any of you have developed quirks," she said slowly. My face soon stretched into a smile. "Really!?!" I shouted.

"Miss Sal, what do you think my quirk is?" I asked and hopped off the bed. She laughed and led me back into line. "I'm not sure, but I know it's something extraordinary," She gave me a smile as I waited impatiently.

When it came to my turn the news of not having a quirk stung.

The sound of Katsukis door openings had caused me to diminish the thoughts I had previously. "Hey, Katsuki, what took you so long?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders as I let out a giggle. I playfully punched his arm. A harsh gruff noise had came out of Katsuki.

I widened my eyes and faced him towards me. My eyes examining him. "Katsuki, are you alright, do you have a cold, if you do what can I do to help?" I said worried. I looked into his eyes that were full of disgust. He pushed me away with what I believe was his quirk.

I had fallen onto the ground and scraped my palm the slight burning on my chest from where he had pushed me. Horror then filled my eyes as he began to talk,"Stop calling me that!" I whimpered in pain as I wiped away my tears. "Stop calling you what," I said quietly.

He leaned down to my eye level, "Stop calling me Katsuki, you're a quirk less wannabe," he said sourly. As I stood up from the ground. "Do you REALLY think I want to hang out with you?" He grunted and began to walk closer to me. I backed away from him as my body began to shake.

He then let out a chuckle, and leaned even closer. Our faces were now barely a few millimeters apart. "The names Bakugou, now get out of my sight," He ordered. I pushed him away and began to walk towards the orphanage. I felt something hard hit me on the back.

I looked at the pebble as I stared at the floor. "Also, don't even bother to wait for me anymore, because I'm just going to ignore you." I heard his loud footsteps as he walked away. I balled my hands into fists as my rage mixed with pain took over. I didn't want to lose him I just couldn't.

"WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!" I yelled. I ran towards him and hugged him from behind. I tightly held onto him. My looming feelings towards him now beginning to ignite. My warm tears rolling down my face and falling onto his back. I stayed there not moving as I wept.

"Katsuki, what has gotten into you, where is the sweet boy I became best friends with, WHERE IS HE!?" I asked. I then gripped onto his sweater and rubbed my face into the familiar scent. Katsuki mumbled and pushed me off. He moved a couple of feet away and faced me.

"He's dead, Y/n," his tone sounding lifeless. I fell onto my knees and stared at his back. As he walked away from my view. Katsuki...don't...leave me...please

        I walked away from Y/N and felt a pang in my heart. My feet feeling heavy like cement blocks as I walked further away. It's for her sake. I walked towards the playground we had always played at. The memories of the fun times we had filled my head. I smiled a lopsided smile.

I myself know I've changed, it wasn't my choice it was this quirk. I walked up to the swing set and sat down. Maybe it was your choice to be like this. I smacked myself as I felt guilt. You hurt her even more Katsuki. I wiped away my tears as I kicked the wood chips.

Y/N, if you were to continue to be my friend, I would only hurt you even more. You should just find someone better.

For the majority of the day I looked at the many spots we spent together. The looming feeling of regret still evident as I scratched my head. I looked up at the moon that had gleamed brightly across the night sky. I clutched my beating heart as I began to feel a burning sensation in my chest.

But why do I still get mad at the thought of her finding a new best friend? I stood up from the swing and walked home. I passed the spot Y/N had been when I left. I stared at the empty place she had kneeled at. Her crying face making my heart ache. Even if she does find a new friend, I'll always be the first one.
A/N: how was the chapter do you guys think I made any of them ooc sry if I did

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