Ch.39 Kiss

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A/N: okay so there is also some touchy stuff in here but not too intense. Just some pain here and there...but I know some of you guys are sensitive...even though I already said it was gonna have some mature stuff in here in the description. You can skip..
I kept on having dreams of this Shoto guy and finally decided to stay up. I felt my eyes burn form the lack of sleep but I ignored the feeling. Is it wrong to love someone who isn't your current boyfriend.

The image of a certain blue haired man made me shiver. I looked over at the small clock on the wall. "It's like 12 and I'm still up..." I groaned and stuffed my face into my pillow. I let out an amused sigh and took a big whiff of the pillow.

I had expected it to smell like flowers or even fresh lavender. It smells like blood? I lifted up the pillow and grabbed the note I had hidden under it. Oh yeah...I wonder if this note was made recently.

"If it is, then in another hour or so someone else is gonna knock on the door...and I have to answer it" I messed with my fingers and had noticed I was fidgeting again. I don't know why I do this...I placed my fingers down beside me and I sat up.

"There really nothing much to do here except listen to music or read...after awhile it can get quite boring" I pushed myself off of the bed and decided to go get a glass of milk.

I'll just get a glass and run back to my room, but what if they don't have milk...then I'll just get orange juice. I opened the door and tried my best to prevent it from squeaking.

After a couple of small pushes the door was wide enough for me to squeeze through. My feet touched the cold floor and I felt a shiver go down my spine. And I thought in the mornings this place was I was so wrong.

I silently walked through the halls and tried to stay quiet. The glow from the bar made me stop in my tracks and I held in my breath. Oh shit someone is in there already! I just walk in?

I pinched myself and  decided to not run away like I always do. I walked up to the door and opened it. I was blinded from the sudden light and squinted my eyes as I walked up to a bar stool.

"Oh Erity why are you still up..." I adjusted my vision and saw Kurogiri. Should I just tell's easier that way. "I just wanted a glass of milk...if you have any that is" I heard someone speak right into my ear and I mentally screamed in fear.

"Of course we have milk...dummy" I looked over to my right and saw Tomura and his cracked skin. He looked over towards Kurogiri and asked told him to go to his room. "I want some alone time with my girlfriend"

Kurogiri nodded his head and walked out of the bar. I have to be nice to him...I am his girlfriend afterall...sadly. I forced a smile and acted as if I was happy to see him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug.

"My love are you alright...Do you want me to buy you some lotion again?" My tongue felt bitter after saying those words to someone I felt no love for. He widened his eyes and slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"What's the matter, you seem so different today...was it the session that changed you Erity" he smiled and I felt him touch my hair. My hands felt sweaty and I tried to play it off.

"Yes it make me so nervous every time I see you my heart starts beating and I get all sweaty" most of that wasn't a lie if you think of it more as fear then love.

"If your heart starts fluttering then why do you avoid me...hmm" he grabbed a strand of my hair and smelled it. I don't think you wanna smell hair that hasn't been showered in like three days.

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