Ch.48 Plans

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A/N: SORRY FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES okay I'm just gonna let you continue reading don't mind me~
I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light shining. Am I "Shoto...Oliver...can you guys hear me?" I looked at my surroundings, I was still in the same spot where Erity had fallen asleep.

Where are they? I felt my side buzz and I reached into my pocket. My phone is going off?... I answered the phone and heard loud crying. "Um Y/N are you there?" I gasped and smiled when I heard his voice.

"Yeah...where are you guys?" I heard the crying get louder and heard a loud thud. What in the hell is going on? "Um you okay there?" I heard someone pick up the phone from the ground.

"Mommy!...Daddy brought me back to class and its BORING!" I laughed and walked away from the bench. "Okay,Okay~ I'll be there sweetie" I heard him let out a giggle and then he passed it to Shoto.

"Sorry, Oliver made me drop the phone and ran off with it" I walked through the halls and was now only a couple of steps away from the class. How did I get so blessed with my family.

"It's alright~, also Shoto can I tell you something before you end the call?" He yelled at Oliver and I heard running on the other line. "Yeah!" I laughed and I saw the two a couple of meters in front of me.

Shoto was holding Oliver by the leg and Oliver was hanging upside down. The two had noticed I was in front of them and they stared at me now being silent. "I love you" I ended the call and ran towards them.

Shoto quickly placed Oliver down and I ran straight into his arms. "I missed you Shoto.." he placed his head on the crook of my neck and took a deep inhale. "I was scared you weren't going to remember me"

I laughed and released the hug. I looked at the boy on the ground and he made an angry huff. I walked towards him and pulled him up from the ground. "I love you too Oliver~" I gave him a peck on the cheek and he smiled at me.

"You love me more then Daddy?" I looked over towards Shoto and he nodded his head. "Yes I do" he giggled and gave me a hug. "So Shoto...Did they kick you out of the class?" He looked off to the side and shyly nodded his head.

Aww he's so shy! I got up and grabbed Oliver and Shotos hand. "WELL WERE NOT GONNA KEEP ON STANDING HERE!" I opened the door and ran inside like a bullet. I looked at the class and they stared at me like if I was a crazy women.

I mean their not wrong if they think I'm crazy... "hey guys, sorry for running in so suddenly" I let go of Shotos hand and walked towards me desk. "Y/N you seem different today...or different then how you were in the morning"

I shook my head and pulled Oliver onto my lap. "Yeah I guess I'm just happy knowing that everything is back to normal" Oliver waved at Izuku, Izuku waved back at him. "Mommy, I thought we were going to leave"

he pouted and I messed with his hair. "Come on Ollie it's fine, class is already going to end soon" he let out a sigh and I laughed silently. "Okay you guys can have a break for the last few minutes of class"

Uncle Aizawa then zipped up his sleeping bag and fell on the floor. "Hey Y/N can I see the kid!" I looked at Shark boi and nodded my head. "Yea of course you can" I lifted Oliver and faced him towards the red haired boy.

"He's a cute little fella" I ruffled his hair and Oliver pointed a finger towards him. "Cool...YOU HAVE SHARK TEETH!" I snorted and hit my head on the table. FUCK! I rubbed my head and smiled at the two.

Kirishima turned red and nodded his head and Oliver continued to look in amazement. "HE HAS SPOKEN!!!" I looked up confused and Kaminari had ran up to us. He grabbed Oliver and raised him up like...Simba?

The whole class noticed this and bowed down at the small boy. "Am I god mommy?" His eyes sparkled and he was placed back down onto a desk. I laughed and shook my head "sadly no"

I looked at Shoto and waved for him to come over. "What is it?" I whispered into his ear and he nodded his head. "Are you sure?" I grabbed his hand and Shoto held Oliver in his arms. "Everyone I have an announcement!"

Everyone looked towards us and I began to get sweaty. I hope my pits don't smell after this....why did I agree to this again? "Shoto and I are a c-cou..." I mumbled the last part and everyone looked confused.

"Are a c-coup...A COUPLE!" I ran towards Shoto and hid my face on his chest. "Oh well that's very-" Izuku was interrupted by Momo. "MY SHIP HAS SAILED THROUGH THE WHOLE WORLD AND HAS FINALLY REACHED ITS DESTINATION!"

I widened my eyes and ran towards Momo. "MOMO YOU DONT HAVE TO SAY THAT OUTLOUD!" She smiled and I nervously walked back to my desk. "Mommy, why does she have a ship?"

I waved my arms frantically and told Oliver to forget about the past events. "It's cause she's rich!" He nodded his head and I sulked at my desk. Little momo making me flustered...I'll get back at her someday.

"Y/N..." I turned my head and smiled when I saw Ochaco. I mean she did some pretty bad things in the past but it's okay I guess. "Oh hey Ochaco" She smiled and handed me a phone. "Can I have your number?"

I nodded my head and typed it in. "Also sorry for bothering you...but would you like to go to the mall later?" I smiled and was about to decline when I heard someone scream.

"MOMMY I WANT TO GO!" I let out a sigh and nodded my head towards Ochaco. "Okay, who else is coming?" I began to pull out a reminder app so I can remember 'Oliver's plans'.

"The whole class is gonna go~" I smiled and she walked away. The bell had rung by now and everyone was talking about our plans later. My phone buzzed and I noticed I had received a message.

Ochaco: Can't wait time see you there

Me: When is it again?

Ochaco: later at 4

Me: Okay see you

"So your going Shoto" he placed Oliver down and walked towards me. "Yeah I'm going" I looked at Oliver and he smiled at me. "Mommy I want to hang out with Izu!" So he's getting along with Izuku...cute.

"Hmm...I don't know invited yourself to go" he tugged on my shirt and began to sob. "B-But Mommy I didn't mean's cause Izu told me he was going" I rolled my eyes and stood up from my desk.

"Come on Shoto lets leave...this boy needs to learn a lesson" We began to leave the classroom and left the boy inside. We stood out in the hallway for a few minutes to see what would happen. "Y/N do we really have to make him suffer like this?"

I looked at Shoto and nodded my head. "Yes he needs to know that he can't be making plans without our permission" I heard wailing and I opened the door. Oliver was sitting at my desk and was crying his eyes out.

I ran to him and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry Mommy for being bad.." I shook my head and I pulled him closer. "Okay it's good you learned your lesson" I pulled him up in my arms and walked out of the classroom.

"For learning your lesson can go with us to the mall" I grabbed Shotos hand and we exited out of the School. "Right now you can take a nap, so you can be energized later"

I felt him get heavier and he relaxed his body. "Okay..." I looked at Shoto and told him to come closer. I then pecked his cheek and he had turned into a bright red. I wonder if anything exciting is going to happen later.
A/N: book is coming closer to the end~ don't get you're hopes up because its probably gonna be a boring ending. Welp! Guess this book was enough practice for my other books. Thank you for reading it~ have a good day/night my chicks.

Don't know who I should put right now so imma just ask you guys myself. "What is your guy's zodiac?"

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