Ch.36 Plan

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A/N: Man now I'm hungry 。゚('ω')゚。
Also I've been doing summer school, AND I HATE IT! AUTHOR~CHAN ISN'T A SCHOLAR...I'm good at English and that's my honor class but BIOLOGY IS MY WEAKNESS!
sry if there is any spelling mistakes
"Okay so, where was the last place everyone had seen Y/N?" All might had ask us a question. After I texted Midoriya I had went all the way to his house.We sat down at the dinner table as Inko, Midoriya's mother served us some Sukiyaki.

"Thank you" I picked up a piece of the meat and placed it in my mouth. Its delicious...but if Y/N was here it would of been a thousand times better. Midoriya then broke the comfortable silence and answered All mights previous question.

"I already told you the last time I saw her was under the bed in my room" I quickly stood up. "What was she doing in your room anyways" I know she was hiding but I still feel...weird about him being her ex lover.

"She was hiding!" He gave me a bold stare and continued eating his Sukiyaki. "Okay.." I sat down and stared at the bowl in front of me. "The last time I saw her was when she came over and dropped off those muffins you guys made...they were delicious by the way"

Inko smiled and I nodded slowly. I guess having Y/N kidnapped changed everyone's life in a way. I looked down at my food and decided to take a second bite. I wonder what's Y/N doing right now..

I jumped up when someone had slammed their cup on the table. "Todoroki...when was the last time you saw her?" All might was getting angry but I ignored him. Its just his anger towards the people who took her, lashing out on me is just his way of handling it.

Inko quickly stood up and tried to calm the man down. I grabbed my cup and traced my finger over the rim of the glass. "I picked her up from the hospital...some things happened before we left and let just keep it at that"

I placed the cup down gently and crossed my arms. I haven't told anyone, I don't think Y/N would want to tell anyone we're dating yet. Midoriya began to mumble  and I nervously played with my chopsticks.

"What kind of things happened...was it bad?" I looked over towards Midoriya and shook my head. "No, lets just say it was a happy beginning of something" I weakly smiled and remembered when Y/N and I had confessed our feelings towards each other.

I placed my chopsticks down and stared at my hands on my lap. "Oh I know what happened..." I widened my eyes and looked over at the small lady. She had a smug face and smiled at me.

Midoriya looked back and forth between us and pleaded towards her. "Wait mom tell me happened!" She giggled and shook her head. " mouth is sealed" I let out a sigh and decided to get back on topic.

I looked over towards All might and decided to ask him something. "What about you...when was the last time you saw your daughter?" All might looked off into space and looked like he was thinking. After a couple of minutes he spoke up.

"The last I saw her or...something that I'm thinking is her...was a cat in the bathroom" I nodded my head and started to imagine the cat. "What color was it.." All might took a sip of his drink and continued on with his story.

"It was a white cat and it had piercing blue was in the corner of the bathroom" That cat is he can't be. I began to sweat but tried to hide my nervous aura and decided to drink my glass of water.

"The cat looked like it was had multiple scratches all over it's body and.." I quickly stood up and ran into the bathroom. I closed the door and locked it. I sat down at the toilet and grabbed the sides of my head.

"No he's...fine" someone knocked on the door and sounded like it was Midoriya. "Are you alright?" I coughed and tried to hide my current state and replied back. "Yeah I'm fine" my voice nearly cracking towards the end.

I stood up and opened the door, the Green haired boy then let out a relived smile and I followed him back to the dining room. "I'm sorry All might...please continue" I let out a cough and say back down at my seat.

"Well the cat looked like it was dead...I rushed to its side and picked it up and took it to a Vet...I kept on thinking it was Y/N and tried to turn her back into a human" I arched my brow and stared at the man.

So he thought Y/N was turned into a cat...and tried to turn her into a human again? "SO WAS IT HER!" Inko looked concerned and was calmed down by Midoriya. "Mom if it was her then we wouldn't even be having this meeting in the first place"

Inko apologized and looked down at her food. "Well I took her to a guy who goes by the name Henshin" Midoriya then interrupted All might and quickly brought out his hero boom to take notes.

"Wait doesn't the name Henshin mean transform?...I'm sorry please continue...heh" All might nodded his head and continued with his story.

"Well he told me to pay him some money and well I did...and now I have a four year old boy running around my house" I widened my eyes and stared at All Might.

"I'm guessing he crawled inside the house, through the window in Y/Ns room" So now Oliver's a four year old human. "He's not just any other cat...he's Y/N's child" I quickly stared at my bowl and wished I had kept my mouth closed.

That sounded better in my head.. "THE BOY IS Y/N'S CHILD!" Inko looked like she was seeing the whole world end as she tried to breathe. I shook my head and reassured her that it's not her actual child.

"Well THATS a relief...You children are too young for that kind of stuff...wait until your 30" I nervously nodded my head. I guess Y/N is going to come home to a child. "So my plan is that we ambush them!"

All might stood up and posed like he was the smartest man alive. Midoriya looked at me and gave a 'this is normal' look. I stood up from my seat and walked towards All Might. "And how do you think we'll find the location she's at"

All might then sat down on his chair and buried his face in his arms. "I don't know!" I patted his back and walked back to my seat. All of a sudden the sad man quickly jumped up from his seat and smiled. "Y/N told me that she was kidnapped before!"

He says that like its a good thing? "And what does that have to do with anything" Midoriya was now cleaning up the table. I took one last sip of my glass and placed it back down on the table. "IT MEANS I KNOW WHERE Y/N IS!"
A/N how are you guys, when corona ends imma still be a hermit in my house. Okay have a good day/night my chicks~

Momo: Hey! So I guess I'll ask my question, If you guys could have lunch with someone

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Momo: Hey! So I guess I'll ask my question, If you guys could have lunch with can be a living person or something fictional, who would it be?

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