Ch.9 Home

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A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the book even if it's pretty crappie 😂 sry if there is any spelling mistakes they will be fixed later on
The walk to Shotos house was peaceful, the silence had relaxed the tension that had previously took place on the bridge. The sound of cars zooming by and children playing had eased me as well. The cold beverage in my hand had stopped my palms from becoming increasingly sweaty.

I wonder why he gave me strawberry milk, I mean...I'm not complaining. The sweet beverage had made contact one more on my tastebuds. I then looked up at my savior, he still has the same multi-colored hair. I guess his hair is natural unless he dyes it like once a still looks nice

I now realized the color of his eyes one was a warm brown and the other an ocean blue. How am I barely taking the time to look at his features? "We're here" Shoto has stopped and pointed at the house. I then looked at the house that was pointed out and my eyes widened. WHAT!....THIS IS HIS HOUSE!! I then awed at the house my mouth hanged open as I stared in amazement.

I shouldn't do this just because his house is huge doesn't mean I should treat him differently. I then stood up straight and composed myself as I followed him to the front doors. Todoroki then tried to unlock the door. "Here let me help you carry this" I then reached out a hand and carefully grabbed the groceries. He had declined but I insisted, Im pretty stubborn and I was taught to be polite to others.

He finally unlocked it and thanked me as he held the door open. The inside was just as amazing as the outside, I love how traditional it's very refreshing compared to where I live. "What do you think?" I turned around and gave a huge smile "it's beautiful" I had asked him where the kitchen was so I can place the groceries inside. He just ushered me to follow him there, the kitchen was nice, Shoto then looked around the area, did he lose something?

He then stood up and placed his finger on his chin. "I wonder where Fuyumi is?" Fuyumi? "If I may ask what are you looking for" he then turned around and continued to search "Oh, you mean who am I looking for, well I can't seem to find my sister?" I then nodded and decided to help search for her I looked at the fridge door and noticed a note. "Shoto I think this is for you" i then placed the note gently on his palm and sat on a chair.

I then asked Shoto if I could explore the house. He just gave a nod and I rushed out, I decided to go through the halls and admire the rest of the house, I didn't go inside any rooms but I just wandered through the halls. A sudden thought then crossed my mind as I thought about Shoto. I wonder why Shotos always so...what's the word.....blank?

I then tapped my chin as I noticed how the certain boy would rarely show any emotions it's also soooo.....ermmmm...monotone. Even when we were looking for his sister he didn't seem to be fazed on the outside, I know
I shouldn't be so nosy especially with someone I barely know. But that can't stop me from thinking, I wonder if that's a birthmark on his face possibly a scar...if it were to be a scar how did he get it? It looked like whatever gave him the scar or what caused it must of been painful.

I then continued to walk through the halls until I felt myself fall onto the floor. Owww what's with me and bumping into things. I continued to soothe the pain by rubbing my ass, that's gonna leave a bruise. I looked up to see the pro hero Endeavor. What's Endeavor doing here, isn't this Shotos house? The said man then helped me up and stood there, he sure is intimidating. A chill had made my nerves even more tense, and I decided to walk away, until he had called out to me "you girl, get over here" I didn't want to die today so I obeyed and shuffled towards him.

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