Robby Dates Samantha

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Robby becomes really close with Daniel LaRusso first as he continues to work hard at his car dealership place.

Two days later.....................
Robby admitted to the LaRusso's that he had no other place to go so he moves into their house. Robby gets settled in a guest bedroom with a bathroom combined together as he fell in love with his new huge bedroom and bathroom all in one plus an average to above average sized closet for his stuff. Daniel introduces Robby to his two kids, little Anthony and Samantha about his age. Robby looks deeply into Samantha's eyes and face because he thinks she's a beautiful girl that he ever laid eyes on. Robby gets to know Samantha as a person as well as wanting to take her out on a party date. Samantha brought Robby up to her room so he can meet her friend Moon online chatting. Yasmine doesn't speak to Samantha anymore because of the false rumor about the Kyler situation. Moon invites Samantha and Robby to a party outside somewhere in a quiet excluded park. Samantha accepts Robby as her party date and takes off out the door. As soon as they arrived, they see another group that originally beat Kyler and Yasmine there, some misfit students from the Cobra Kai dojo as Kyler and Yasmine gave them dirty looks and felt dominated. Kyler leaves Yasmine there since he's a scaredy-cat seeing Miguel and his older boyfriend Johnny there. Robby stares hard as he starts to notice his own dad at the party being all over some other boy about his age that he doesn't know yet but he oversaw them once kissing near the back of his car with the trunk up that one time.

"Robby, are you ok? Do you know those two?" Samantha asked her boyfriend Robby.

"Oh shit that's my fucking dad and his boyfriend I guess as I assume he's my dad's boy toy" Robby said to Samantha.

"That's Miguel Diaz, he goes to my school" Samantha said to Robby.

"How well do you know him?" Robby asked Samantha.

"Not well, just someone that goes to school with me that's all" Samantha said to her boyfriend Robby.

"I just can't believe my dad would stoop down this low, yuk" Robby said to his girlfriend Samantha.

"Haha, I think it's kind of funny" Samantha reacted to it as she said to Robby.

Robby kisses Samantha just to try to get even with his dad and Miguel.

Meanwhile across the way during the party.......................

"Are you feeling ok, sensei Lawrence sir, my love?" Miguel asked his boyfriend Johnny.

"You see that boy over there kissing the girl" Johnny pointed in that direction as he said to Miguel.

"Yes, what? Do you know them sensei?" Miguel asked Johnny.

"That boy is my estranged son and don't know why he's here at this party and he's been on drugs claiming that I'm a pathetic low life but he's the real pathetic boy with issues and he got kicked out of his different school" Johnny explained to Miguel.

"I'm so sorry that you both don't get along but no worries sexy sensei lover, lets ignore them" Miguel said to Johnny.

"Great plan, lets forget that they aren't even there, haha" Johnny said to Miguel.

Johnny and Miguel make out passionately on the mouth together as they ignored and forgot about Robby and had their own cliche fun to themselves. Robby and Samantha had fun of their own too. Except Robby still felt down because making out with his girlfriend Samantha didn't get his dad jealous one bit by ignoring them. Robby is dying to try what else he can to get even with his dad. Thoughts run through Robby's head about it. With the All Valley Tournament coming soon, Robby wants to seek his first revenge by joining Miyagi Do with Daniel to train him up. His second revenge, after seeing this young Miguel kissing on his dad is making Robby grin deviously like he wants to experiment a different evil but seductive way to get even with his dad, his high school rival, Robby even knows that Daniel LaRusso will make his dad really lose his shit whenever that day comes. At the same time but in a strange way, Robby still loves Samantha deeply, it's just that Robby wants to go this far in a different way to get his dad jealous by losing his shit for sure.

The next day........................

Amanda enrolls Robby into school so he can attend the same classes as Samantha. Robby enjoys his first day of school there with Samantha.

After school..........................
Robby and Samantha went home together to do homework in her bedroom with her door opened, much to Amanda's surprise as she learns to trust Robby and Samantha together. Of course Robby thought in his mind that it's best to keep Samantha's bedroom door opened since he has a master mind plan to get even with his dad jealous with envy somehow with his rival Daniel.

Meanwhile at Cobra Kai dojo..........................
Hawk wants to talk with Miguel as everyone is doing their own training for the upcoming tournament soon.

"Miguel, so tell me, details of you and your sensei Lawrence, oooh, we all saw you making out with him at the party the other night so come on tell me more" Hawk said to Miguel as he pulled him aside from the others that are busy training.

"Ok so there is more than just making out with my sensei Johnny Lawrence" Miguel whispers in Hawk's ear.

"I bet you two are fucking each other's assholes, handjobs and blowjobs am'I correct?" Hawk whispers in Miguel's ear.

Then sensei Lawrence comes to interrupt Miguel and Hawk's whispering.

"You two back to training so you all can win the trophy and what were you two talking about?" Johnny asked the boys.

"Nothing sensei sir and yes! I'll get back to training" Miguel shouted in a serious but respectful manner to his boyfriend.

Same way with Hawk, he went back to training.

Meanwhile back at the LaRusso house.................
In Daniel's Miyagi-Do training room, Daniel trains Robby's fighting skills to good work. Robby paid attention hard as he really wants to be in the tournament to get even with his dad as Robby's first step of jealousy against his dad. The second step of jealousy leaves a confused Robby as he keeps fight training with Daniel by looking into his beautiful brown eyes by getting lost into a fighting trance all at the same time as he fought with ease. After Robby gets done practicing hard and harder each time, Daniel then takes him to a forest by balancing on a huge tree branch with his punches and kicks.

Meanwhile at dinner between Johnny and Miguel.........................

Johnny and Miguel eat dinner and sip their alcoholic drinks that they have, a Coors beer that Johnny sips and a glass of Chardonnay white wine Miguel sips, their dinner with just the two of them is peaceful until Hawk's text message buzz noises from Miguel's cell phone.

Cell phone text...................
Hawk: Miguel, I know you fucked sensei Lawrence because I saw you blush earlier as soon as we got interrupted by him and we had to train.

Miguel: I did have sex with sensei Johnny Lawrence is amazing ☺️🥰.

Hawk: Damn, you naughty Miguel those are the hottest details so far, 😆.

Miguel: your straight but you still love my details I just told you.

Hawk: fuck right I'm straight but yes, I'm your buddy bro and I loved the details so how about your sensei of yours, was he just as kinky too?

Miguel: oh yes very kinky ☺️

Johnny looks over at Miguel's cellphone.

"Are you telling Hawk about us?" Johnny asked Miguel.

"He already knows remember, we made out at the party" Miguel said to his boyfriend Johnny.

"Oh great, now the whole dojo will talk about it" Johnny said looking red in his face.

"It's ok Hawk will swear to keep it between me and him because we're friends" Miguel said to Johnny.

"You both better keep it confidential ok and I love you" Johnny said to Miguel.

"I love you too sensei" Miguel said back to Johnny.
( note: I decided make a character twist on Robby Keen as it's slowly developing now but will progress in two chapters later for this Wednesday night's update 😉. Whoever is reading and voting on this will be warned for Wednesday night's update called Revenge of The Make-Out Bet. Thanks and have a good night everyone)

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